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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Yet more potential Beacon fixes for Conquest battles.
  • You will no longer fish up recipes that you already know (Name Tags)
  • Daily Dock Block Territory Buff now stacks.
  • Alliances can now only be formed/left/joined in the 2 day Truce Period after Capitals are Chosen - So get to alliancing fast!
  • /g chests can no longer be placed in active Battle Zones.
  • XP Bottles from Dungeons can no longer be thrown in Battle Zones.
  • You can no longer invite Intro players to towns. You'll need to wait until they've made it to Aladra at least.


Staff member
We are 1.11!
Welcome to 1.11 folks! So exciting! Here's what's new/changed/different for Loka

  • 1.11 Specifics
  • LLamas only spawn in the Ascalon Mountains
  • Shulker Boxes cannot be placed in Ender Chests
  • Illagers are coming to Loka soon!
  • Loka Resource Pack needs an update in order to function: Type /pack in game or download here in order to update your version.
  • Optifine for 1.11 is out! You can download that here.
  • Other Fixes
  • Alliances that share territory borders now "lock" each other and no longer create an unfortunate unlocked border.
  • Upon setting up an inhib or registering for a beacon warp, you are now prompted to confirm fighting for the town you're in at that point. You cannot reset this until a new Conquest cycle!
  • Uhh, that may be it for now...
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Staff member
  • Windows of Vulnerability are now active.
  • /g vulnerable or /g alliance vulnerable to set the 8 hour window in which you or your alliance can be attacked. This can currently be set frequently while it's new and people get used to it. After a week, however, this will change to only being settable in the truce period most likely.
  • /c ranks as well as inspecting towns via the towns room will also show all towns' windows of vulnerability.
  • By default, all towns and alliances are vulnerable from 3pm - 11pm server time until changed.


Staff member
  • Infinite Ender Pearls - Fixed!
  • Small Regen fixes (mostly surrounding placing blocks in territories and then breaking them). This should fix things like shulker boxes not dropping after you place them in territories


Staff member
Minecraft Forums Feature goes live in a few hours from this post!
  • End reset again - Shulkers should respawn properly now.
  • /g j npc has been cleaned up and now works. You can now renname NPCs as well with this.
  • Radars are now Alliance-wide. All allied radars will message the alliance, rather than the town.
  • Messaging surrounding adding founders and getting people to click the NPC when starting a town has been vastly improved.
  • Shulker Boxes can now be sold in the Market.


Staff member
  • Zones with owners now ignore zone level with members. As long as a player is an owner of that zone, the zone level itself is irrelevant except for build perms for higher level members.
  • Maybe fixed vulnerability windows more too...
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Staff member
  • Multi-step Gathering Jobs now available - With gathering jobs (and the other types coming soon), it is not possible to add multiple items required to complete the job. This is one of a few final steps before Jobs can become almost a "done" feature. Please report bugs you might find!


Staff member
  • Added word wrapping to Job Description text provided that newlines are provided already. This will help your job tooltips to automatically format nicely rather than having the description line go sailing off to the right/left forever.
  • When you dismount a horse in foreign protection, you will be dismounted to the horse's location, rather than next to it.
  • Fixed Haru being able to win 9 fights simultaneously.


Staff member
  • Jobs can now have an expiration time set. This defines how much time a player has to do the job before it automatically expires, is removed from their jobs list, and returned to your pool so other (more active) players can pick up the job.
  • Also fixed a variety of various Jobs issues and formattings, etc.


Staff member
  • Fixed not being able to actually change job expiration.
  • New Radar Detection sound, grab the latest resource pack with /pack in-game.
  • /pack now displays a version number with the pack (as well as in the resource pack list in-game) so you can compare more easily.
  • Work and/or maybe fixes around town leveling, shulker respawns, arcanum failures, etc.


Staff member
  • /c train fights no longer grant XP on winning the fight :p
  • /lore clear no longer bricks your lored item when attempting to add new lore from scratch to it.
  • Hunting jobs can now be given multiple mobs, similar to gathering ones.
  • You can no longer break the Banner of Conquest's beacon block.
  • A dividing line ---------- has now been added to items with lore scrolls to help delineate real vs fake lore/enchants, etc.
  • Hopefully fixed spawning issues with ghasts/blazes in the nether.


Staff member
  • In /c list, town leadership can now Shift-Click TGens in order to release them to the wilds:
    • This consumes a daily attack.
    • Releasing a territory costs the same amount as taking a neutral for your town/alliance.
    • After being released, a territory cannot then be attacked for 2 hours.
  • Fixed the bug where you had to abandon your job and then pick it up again in order to do a job multiple times over.
  • Fixed being unable to create Travel jobs.
  • Repeatable jobs can now be set to -1, meaning they can be infinitely done, rather than setting to 1m. 0 still means one-time only.
  • Jobs can no longer be browsed-for/accepted at Town NPCs. This may come back in some form later, but you'll need to assign your town jobs to signs. This should help people wanting to truly separate out their jobs via zones, etc. Plus it's just an extra confusing click that you can do on an NPC.
  • 1.11.2 is coming soon (after Christmas) and looks like it may provide some framework by which I can not only fix but even improve Arcanum enchants \o/
Our MinecraftForums feature ends today, so the amount of new joins will drop considerably. This will be a good time for all towns to have some breathing room on new members, get their infrastructure setup, enjoy a slightly more quiet break over the holidays and then we'll get back to aggressive advertising after the new year once we fix more bugs, polish more features, and the like.

Also remember that December 24-26 is an official server Truce period, so enjoy the holiday without worrying about getting attacked.
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