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Official Update Thread

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February Conquest Cycle Updates
  • Sweeping Edge Strikes no longer hit friendlies in Conquest Battles (this has been in since Feb 1, actually)
  • Beacon Cooldowns: When fighting in a Territory that is adjacent to your town, the beacon cooldown on reinforcements to the fight is 6 minutes, down from 8m. All other fights will still remain at the 8m beacon timer.
    • This applies equally and not in any (current) special case to Alliances. If the fight is against an Eldritch TGen and that territory is adjacent to the home town of Eldritch, for example, it will be a 6 minute timer. Likewise, if the attacker lives next door to the fight, it will also be 6 minutes for them.
    • As for the why, we want all towns to have a good chance of at least gaining some territory around their immediate vicinity. Beyond that, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Beacon Cooldowns: When fighting in a Territory that is adjacent to your town, the beacon cooldown on reinforcements to the fight is 6 minutes, down from 8m. All other fights will still remain at the 8m beacon timer.
This is going to make the Auru/Hilo fights interesting.


Staff member
  • Vulnerability Windows have returned. They function the same as before with one new addition. Upon setting your vulnerability window, it will take 24 hours before it takes effect.
  • Autofishing will make you hungry now...


Staff member
  • You can now break leaves/logs/grass/plants within your town's TGen protected area. You can't place them, but at least you can clear them out if they're sticking around.
  • And other various, but generally minor bugfixes around towns dying.


Staff member
  • We have a New Combat Logging plugin running now. This will hopefully resolve combat logging issues without requiring staff to intervene.
    • HOW IT WORKS: When you log off, an NPC version of yourself will remain where you logged off for 15 seconds. If after 15 seconds, you are not hit by a player, you will be fine. If however, a player enters combat with your "body", it will remain there continuously until it doesn't take damage for 15 seconds or you die. At that point, your gear will drop and you will die as though you had whilst still online.
    • Monsters will attack your body, but they do not put you in combat when fighting them.
    • In short, combat logging will not generally be looked into by staff anymore. If you can get to them after they log out and kill them, their stuff is all yours, otherwise
    • Battle Zones don't count for combat log. You will be tagged for being in combat, but logging out won't spawn an NPC body.
    • TO LOG OUT SAFELY, there is a /logout command now. If you /logout, you just need to stand still for 10s and you will be safely kicked from the server.
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Staff member
  • /log can now be used in addition to /logout as a quicker way to safely log out.
  • Logout messages now go to your Action Bar rather than spamming up your chat.
  • Dying on a 1-layer snow block should now properly set the block to redstone (blood) rather than dropping a redstone item.
  • Letting people break leaves in their TGen area inadvertently allowed them to place blocks there that they then couldn't break. So, you can't place blocks there anymore, whoops. I'll try to follow up on reports to fix peoples' things that are stuck.
  • Potentially fixed prestige for players doing Town Jobs not saving/loading properly.
  • Lore Scrolls can no longer be applied to Shulker Boxes


Staff member
  • Upon logout, the combat logger should now spawn you instead of "PvPLogger1234". This should hopefully work but if things get weird, /report!
  • Fixed /talents just not working too good.
  • Minor stability fixes, but you won't probably notice.


Staff member
  • /j l - or Viewing your Jobs now only shows in progress jobs. Because, well, seeing other stuff is frankly confusing.
  • Meet Jobs - or jobs to simply go talk to an NPC can now be made by admins (to start with). This should further facilitate some lovely quest chains coming soon.
  • Abandoning a job will now re-open your jobs GUI so you can abandon them quicker.


Staff member
Resource Isles have released! We've also polished and fixed up a few more features along the way:
  • Garama, Ascalon, and Kalros all feature new Resource Islands. Click here to learn more about them!
  • Make sure to Speak to Bofur at the Docks before setting off to find the isles!
  • Mob spawning mechanics (the way we do it, anyway) have been tuned and fixed up
  • Escrow items should now properly show the buyer, not your own name, whoops.
  • There is now a Custom Items chest in the market (armor/weapons tent) where custom Loka items can be specifically sold.


Staff member
  • Tweaks to ore density. Some are generally lesser now.
  • Recall Stones should now work. If you have a bad one, contact an admin.
  • Neutral Mobs buff no longer works on Resource Isles.


Staff member
  • Blood can now be sold at the Market in the Spawn "Dungeon"
  • Barns can now process Llamas for leather.
  • Llama Hunting Jobs can now be created.
  • Regeneration code should now properly handle liquid state changes (water over lava for obsidian, etc).


Staff member
  • Server list fanciness - In the Minecraft server list, Loka's MOTD will now display various messages that are event-driven. For example, if there's a Conquest battle happening, that will show as the MOTD in terms of who's fighting.
  • As well, hovering over the ping area on the server list will show you some basic info about Loka, what's new on the server, and (coming soon) how many players from your town/alliance are online.
  • Home Networking (World Capital Policy) was finally added, *cough*.


Staff member
Fishing Tournaments are here!
Prove your Fishing Worth by catching the biggest fish during the 1 hour Fishing Tournament!
  • Fishing Tournaments (will soon) operate on a schedule and automatically run. When the Tournament is active, head to Frodii's Dinghy at the Docks in Aladra and it will take you to the location of the tournament.
  • Fishing Tournaments have a sanctuary zone where players can safely fish with no PvP and will keep their gear should they die.
  • If you catch a fish, turn it into Frodii to see if it's the biggest. Whoever catches the biggest fish by the end of the hour wins rewards including diamonds, power shards, the Angler Title and a Mending Book.
  • In the future the Tournaments will randomly cycle between any of the 3 Resource Isles. Currently on the Garama Isle hosts the tournament.
And in other news:
  • You can now lock Fence Gates!


Staff member
  • Totem of Undying can now be sold at the Rare Utilities chest in the Market
  • Beheading Players is now done by our plugin, meaning they're very much more visceral, loud, and server-wide, and not double-death messages.
  • As a result, the 2x Beheading Territory Buff is now working!
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Staff member
  • The Dangers of Resource Isles are increasing and below 60y on Resource Isles:
    • Elytra flying will incur heavy durability loss due to the excessive heat.
    • Water will boil away immediately and cannot be used to create obsidian walkways.
  • Hoppers and Hopper Minecarts can no longer function when attached to Industry Chests and will be destroyed when attempted. It was never our intent to allow people to automate industry output because we wanted them to serve as a reason to log on and tend to your town.


Staff member
  • If you're flying with an elytra in any territory adjacent to a non-allied town, you will now receive a warning about that so you're less prone to suddenly being dropped out of the sky.
  • Fixed some beheading quirks, and no longer show intra-town beheadings.
  • Hopefully fix instances of mobs spawning on top of you.


Staff member
  • You can now view your own history of reports with /report list.
    • You can resolve your own reports, delete them, or edit their text to provide better clarity on something you reported on.
  • Mobs will no longer target your NPC body if you log out. This was just a dick move, anyway.
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