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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Town TGens will no longer shoot at temp builders, lols.
  • Only Town Owners can now remove subowners, rather than them removing each other for lulz.
  • Variety of Job fixes. Continuing to ensure that Job Markers over NPCs heads are accurate and/or exist when they should.


Staff member
April Conquest Changes are LIVE
  • Radars will now only announce a player every 2 minutes as minimum. This applies to your whole territory. You will no longer receive a ping each time a player crosses into a different territory node.
  • As well, if you remain in a node you won't trip the radar every 2 minutes indefinitely.
  • Alliance Leaders now pay the full price for their entire alliance's territory.
  • /g alliance now has the shortform of /g a
  • NEW: /g a dues - Alliances can use dues to change how their alliance members pay the leader for territory upkeep. You can define how much each individual town pays you (the leader) per day in order to run the territory.
  • Until April 6th - Releasing territories to the wilds is FREE. This should help those interested in removing some of their territories. You will still consume a daily attack by doing this, but you won't lose any strength.
Chat Zones - NEW RP Feature
  • Chat Zones are better thought of us as "rooms". We can now define areas, like Kaurii's House at spawn, for example, that act as a nice quiet room to speak/RP in. While inside Kaurii's house, you are automatically switched to a chat channel that only you and players in her house can hear.
  • Additionally, when entering a Chat Zone, you are prompted to optionally toggle off Public/Local chat so that your meeting/RP-session/etc is not interrupted by public and local (sometimes spammy) chats. Town chat and Alliance chat should still peek through.
  • Presently, these are only supported when Guardians (basically, me) makes them, however we will very shortly add it as a toggle for town zones, meaning you can zone your meeting rooms, houses, etc as chat zones and use them as personally crafted RP areas!
  • Kaurii's House is the first chat zone until I make some more.


Staff member
  • We finally added a plugin that will properly move everybody to the Hub when Loka restarts. Rather than betraying your sense of "how long 10 seconds is", the proper time will really, honestly go by and then you should get moved to the hub peacefully.
  • Yuletide Snowballs should now grant speed when hitting players or yourself with them once again.
  • Summer Firework may hopefully not kick you when used in water anymore.
  • You will no longer be blocked from dropping books while in the Library. Rather, they'll fizzle away if you drop them, allowing you to drop them and get more without having to leave the area to have them "purged" from you.


Staff member
  • Making chat zones out of your own town zones is now possible with /g z chatzone. Enjoy!
  • Also updated zone title text so that when you leave a town zone with a title, you will see your regular town's title text (should be more obvious when you leave, now).


Well-Known Member
  • Making chat zones out of your own town zones is now possible with /g z chatzone. Enjoy!
  • Also updated zone title text so that when you leave a town zone with a title, you will see your regular town's title text (should be more obvious when you leave, now).
Perfect timing. <3


Staff member
  • /ping is back
  • Yuletide Snowballs no longer disappear on you if you throw them from your Offhand.
  • If you don't have perms in a town due to the default zone level, you'll now get a message as such, so it's not so confusing for newer players.
  • Fixed some spammy Job Complete notifications.
  • We switched block loggers again and now will be able to better track things like who unlocked doors, etc in towns.
  • Many other various bug fixes.


Staff member
  • All Territory Buffs are now Alliance-Wide (most were, but things like Neutral mobs weren't working in allied towns).
  • Activating an inhibitor will now say whodunit
  • Fixed Miner's Fervor and potentially some other town perks from either not applying correctly, or working at all.
  • Fixed some various other bugs/errors in commands.


Staff member
In order to take some pressure off of us sad admins, we are now opening up the ability for Town Owners and properly perm'd players to be able to do limited block logging within their own towns. You now have the freedom to see who's stealing from you, who's leaving doors unlocked, who's blowing up stuff, and who's building dicks. Hopefully this will give town owners a great deal of freedom to monitor their own town and punish to their heart's content, leaving admins only required to do more advanced lookups and rollbacks if needed. Enjoy!
  • Town Owners can now Block Log inside of their own towns to check for a number of things:
    • Blocks broken and placed.
    • Doors locked, unlocked.
    • Blocks used (doors, etc)
    • Tnt Primed
    • Chest items inserted and removed.
  • When looking through the logs, players who live in your town will show up on the logs. Players who do not live in your town will show up, but as "An Outsider". So, yes, now you can find out if you were raided, but not by who.
  • REMEMBER: Members in your alliance are still considered outsiders, so you will only see the name of players on the logs if they live in your town at that moment.
  • New Town Perm: Block Log - By default, town owners can all log block, but if you'd like to give this perm to other member levels, feel free.
  • TO BLOCK LOG - Merely shift-right click in your town with a Feather in-hand.
  • Note that we did recently switch our block logger, so as of now, you may only have a 2-3 days worth of history for block logs.
Go Forth, and let the sleuthing begin!


Staff member
Fishing Tournaments just got a little spicier!
  • There are now 2nd and 3rd place rewards:
    • 2nd place - 48 Shards, 16 Diamonds
    • 3rd place - 32 Shards, 8 Diamonds
  • The hungry fish in the isles have started to eat Power Shards, or something. You might fish some shards up while you fish them (only during fishing tournaments!)
  • When the biggest fish is caught, the size of the fish will no longer be broadcast. Frodii will tell you if you've caught the biggest fish so far, but it's size is no longer broadcast to the server. You can always ask that player how big it is, though :p
  • Generally speaking, the loot tables for fishing tournaments will continue to improve as we balance and add new things to Loka, but for now, power shards are always an easy thing to hand out that aren't generally perceived as imbalancing.


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking, the loot tables for fishing tournaments will continue to improve as we balance and add new things to Loka, but for now, power shards are always an easy thing to hand out that aren't generally perceived as imbalancing.
One diamond block per pound for every fish caught?


Staff member
  • Job Progress is now finally properly saved. Location and Mob Hunting jobs will no longer lose their progress when you relog. Rejoice!
  • Still tweaking/optimizing our anti-cheat systems, so begin to expect less kicks/lag-backs. It's a process, but a necessary one.


Staff member
  • The Dreadfort in the Nether has been updated, but isn't finished, but at least looks less unfinished.
    • It will now spawn Wither Skeletons in the vicinity.
  • You can now properly logblock item frames in your town.
  • Sugarcane which cannot grow due to biome restrictions will now break naturally, rather than just eternally fail to grow.


Staff member
  • NEW: /town apply - Usable by players to see a list of towns that are actively recruiting
  • Thus, NEW: /g recruit - Usable by town owners and those with the TOGGLE_RECRUITING perm to flag whether the town is recruiting or not and shows in /town apply. Be sure you have a /g slogan for this too!
  • If a TGen is asking for brown/red mushroom blocks, it will now say so.
  • Custom Items Market chest now works and should be the place to go for all Lokan custom items.
  • NEW: XP Bottles (from Dungeons) market chest.
  • Anticheat tweaks (an unending process).
  • Bounty Jobs now expire after 2 weeks.
  • A lot of other cool stuff, some secret, some not so much.


Staff member
  • Fancy New Player Information - Can be found in /find as well as when you hover over players' names in Public chat. You can now see when that player joined Loka as well as what Generation player they are.
  • On that same note, you can now click players' names in Public chat to do a /find on them easily.
  • Fixed issues with ties in Fishing Tournaments. In the case of a tie, the first player to have turned in their fish gets the credit now.
  • Also fixed the 99 lbs AIR bug on displaying the top catch of the tournament.
  • Fixed some date bugs that caused a variety of the weird Truce Period/Not Truce Period stuff that goes on after Capital day.
  • Vulnerability windows can no longer be set within 7 days of Capital day at the end of each Conquest cycle.
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Staff member
Religion is upon us!
Create your very own Religion on Loka! Spread your influence, convert players, attempt to become the biggest and "strongest" Religion on the server! Why? Who knows yet!
  • /rl is your command for all things religion! How's it work?
  • /rl create - Create your religion given a name. All Religions (name-wise) must be approved by Magpie or myself.
    • Takes three players to start a Religion.
    • Religions must have some relevance to Loka or Minecraft in some way. We're quite intentionally not allowing "real world" religions on Loka, because, well, you know.
    • All Religions must be created in the territory that will live as its Holy Site. This can be any territory that's not already a Holy site. If you wish your own town to be your Religion's Holy Site, you must then be an owner/subowner of that town in order to create your religion there.
  • Choose a Deity, which doesn't do too much (yet) but better describe your Religion currently.
  • All Religions get their own chat channel. This can be toggled into with /ch rl. Currently, you can't do the equivalent /p <message> to one-off speak in the channel, but we'll try to maybe figure something out for that.
  • As such, like with towns, the leader of a Religion can assign titles to players for their chat channel.
  • Convert Players to your Religion with /rl convert - Both you AND the new recruit must be in your Holy Site in order to be converted.
  • Pray with /pray. You can do this once every 8 hours. Praying takes anywhere from 20-30 seconds. Once complete, you'll be fully healed and fed! Pray within your Holy Site for double-faith!
  • Faith is the "Conquest Strength" of Religions. Its use may become more important later, but for now, it's just a number that'll go up as more of your followers pray to your Religion/worship your Deity.
Go Forth!


Staff member
  • NEW: /rl desc - Set a basic description for your Religion.
  • /rl list now shows religions sorted by Faith, not members. More visible in their tooltips as well.
  • Prayer is slightly more exciting when you finish it, anyway.
  • Anniversary Achievements - Earn a legendary X Year Anniversary Achievement for each year since you joined Loka!
  • Updated Generation dates. They are now as follows (your generation is if you joined before these dates):
    • First Generation - September 26, 2011
    • Second Generation - December 2, 2012
    • Third Generation - December 7, 2013
    • Fourth Generation - September 19, 2015
    • Fifth Generation - August 2, 2016
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Staff member
  • Restrictions on PLACING blocks where they "don't go" have been removed. You should be able to place flowers where they don't grow, etc; they just shouldn't grow, etc. If you do find any instances of things growing/etc that shouldn't grow there, please file a /report. If you go harvest pumpkins, mycelium, whatever, you should be able to still place the blocks individually.
  • /rl list now shows member count of each religion and is now sorted (properly) by Faith.
  • /rl info now shows Members that you can hover over to see a list of members and their individual prayer strength, sorted.
  • And lotsa other stuff.
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