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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
  • Wood Planks now count as viable Road blocks
  • It is no longer possible use ender pearls or chorus fruit to teleport into an area of a town you don't have permission in.
  • Ice and Beacons can now be sold on the Market.
  • Water will no longer spawn if you break ice in the Nether
  • The Jungle has retaken Amberfell


Active Member
To be straight up real with you, I very strongly dislike how you can make a sword or bow be soul bound. Someone could just make one sword, soul bound it and then be set for the rest of the map. This is giving the player an advantage because they paid money. P2W aspect-- not good :(.

(I don't mind gathering tools being soul bound because they don't give that much of a game changing advantage to someone)


Well-Known Member
fishing rods also wont last forever now? But yea, as far i understand - the stats are soulbound,( and the item is harder to loose , if that hasnt changed) but its durability doesnt change. And thats the reason the tracking charges are sold at 5 or 15 charges. So when an item uses up, you would have to put the charge on a new tool.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
To be straight up real with you, I very strongly dislike how you can make a sword or bow be soul bound. Someone could just make one sword, soul bound it and then be set for the rest of the map. This is giving the player an advantage because they paid money. P2W aspect-- not good :(.

(I don't mind gathering tools being soul bound because they don't give that much of a game changing advantage to someone)

No Tools are Soulbound!


Active Member
What happens if that tool is dropped and someone else picks it up? Does it then track that new player's stats? Does it still track the other person's stats or do the stats not change at all?


Staff member
The stats seen on the tools are tied to the account that imbued it. Although another player can pick up someone else's stat track tool, they cannot affect that player's stats.


Staff member
The stats seen on the tools are tied to the account that imbued it. Although another player can pick up someone else's stat track tool, they cannot affect that player's stats.

To expand on this, once a stat-track tool is dropped, the stats are immediately cleared off of the tool. Should the player that owns that tool ever pick it up again, the stats will reappear. I'm not sure this has been implemented regarding chests yet though...

Has any progress on custom sapling been made?

No, unfortunately the amount of tech work this requires is a bit substantial. It's not just configuring the placement of each individual custom tree, but also adding tech to track the tree's blocks regarding the regeneration system. It's still something we'd certainly like to have, but the amount of work it would entail vs the payoff for having the feature puts it pretty low on the priority list right now.


Well-Known Member
I really want to grow some new trees for Makosa. Most of the leaves despawned on them and they look awful. I could probably build new fronds, but what I can't do is get logs with the all sided bark textures. Would it be possible for you to maybe paste some more trees onto Makosa? Or at the very least place a vendor NPC that trades normal logs for textured ones?


Staff member
I really want to grow some new trees for Makosa. Most of the leaves despawned on them and they look awful. I could probably build new fronds, but what I can't do is get logs with the all sided bark textures. Would it be possible for you to maybe paste some more trees onto Makosa? Or at the very least place a vendor NPC that trades normal logs for textured ones?

I can run regeneration commands in specific areas, so yeah I can work with you to regen some of the trees back to their proper state if you'd like. Being able to craft/purchase an all-bark-sided log might also be a pretty neat idea, or maybe even a random chance for the Lumber Mill to create.


Staff member
  • Owners of the Stat Trackin' Fishin Rod will have their rods converted into a normal stat tracking tool like all of the rest upon their next rod update. As a result of their purchases they have been granted 25 shards (equal to the value of charges at $1 per-shard) and their rod is no longer soulbound.
  • Lots of new things tracked by Stat Tracking Tools:
  • Swords:
    • Total Damage Dealt
  • Axes:
    • Giant Mushrooms
    • Total Damage Dealt
  • Bows
    • Longest Hit
    • Total Damage Dealt
  • Shovels:
    • Soul Sand
    • Snow (Blocks + Layers)
    • Podzol
    • Mycelium
    • Grass
    • Path Blocks
  • Pickaxe
    • Obsidian
    • End Stone
    • Diorite
    • Granite
    • Andesite
    • Sandstone
    • Hardened Clay
    • Ice (Both normal and Packed)
    • Netherrack
    • Nether Brick
    • Cobblestone
    • Mossy Cobblestone
  • Shears
    • Cobwebs
    • Vines
    • Sheep Sheared
    • Mooshrooms Sheared
  • Hoes:
    • If you have ever added stat tracking to a Hoe, then anytime you break a crop (doesn't matter what with, fists, sword, whatever), then we track the following crops:
    • Wheat
    • Potato
    • Carrot
    • Pumpkin
    • Melon
    • Sugar Cane
    • Beetroot
    • Cocoa Bean
    • Nether Wart
  • Fishing Rod
    • Enchanted Books


Staff member
Conquest 2.0 Phase 1 - Towns - Has Launched!

The New Map can be viewed here: http://play.lokamc.com:8123/

It is, of course, still a work-in-progress. Expect lots of changes to it visually.

For more about the C2 Update as a whole, view the Conquest 2.0 Working Document

The majority of this update is simply migrating to the new hex-regions system. All towns have had Territory Generators warped into their regions. This is now the building that serves as your town "Core". Your previous structure with the diamond block is now inert. The interior of your TGen has a chest in it where you can now dump your shards. Additionally, TGens (for new towns) have a town portal built-in that new towns will have immediate access to.

Phase 2 of C2 is the War phase in which people may begin attacking and controlling territories. That will launch likely this weekend while we spend the rest of this week nailing down bugs and testing fights on the PTS.

Between now and the launch of phase 2, all unique continent resources are automatically embargoed. This is to ensure everybody doesn't go get spruce in the meantime because it is undefended. Once Phase 2 launches, resources will be protectable by owning 20% of the territory of any one region.

The below changelist is somewhat incomplete and also speaks to C2-Phase2 stuff so may not be 'in' but is part of today's update, whether you can access it yet or not:
  • Towns have no radius - They exist entirely in their region and that is their permanent town protection.
  • The Daily Cost of a Town is now 50 shards per day.
  • TGens are fixed, permanent; they do not explode (they might explode a little), they only change allegiance.
  • Conquest commands are now accessible with /c instead of /g t.
  • All TGens have an inhibitor pad nearby. Stand on the pressure plate to activate fights now. (Not applicable to towns).
  • Gen schematics are gone, you now fight a tgen to claim your town.
  • TGens all have a portal built-in, so your town will have a portal upon startup. You can still define your own if you want to.
  • “Strong Protection” is gone (the 50 block auto-territory that towns used to have)
  • Daily attacks reset 24h after their individual time, rather than everybody’s reset at one specific server time.
  • Modules no longer just deactivate when their lamp is overloaded; they’re destroyed entirely. This will leave a clean TGen for attackers to populate if they win and defenders will need to replace any lost modules if they win the defense.
  • You can now only be hit by golems once a second, regardless of how many are hitting you (somewhat similar to normal Minecraft mechanics).
  • Inhibs are no longer used to return to home/spawn. Whoever owns the TGen at the end of the fight has 5 minutes after the fight’s over to use the TGen’s built-intown portal to return to spawn.
  • Any town/alliance that owns 20% of a biome’s TGens or more will control the biome, and thereby has automatic embargo control over that biome’s unique resources. (Controlling the Roofed Forest will lock down Dark Oak, for example)
  • Towns always count as adjacent nodes regardless of being allies/enemies.
  • You cannot claim a territory unless it is adjacent to your town/territory.
  • You can attack territories elsewhere on your continent to neutralize them if you don't have adjacent territory under control.
As always, make use of /report or tell your nearest Sentry/Admin about any bugs in the system you might find. Magpie and I will be around throughout the week to help with migration. We realize many of you will want your TGens moved somewhere else in your town and we are happy to oblige. Just make sure you have room for it and we can move them around.

Go Forth, Part One!
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