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Origins of your username...


Well-Known Member
Tell us about your username?

I've always had a knack and interest in the various usernames that minecraft players have! Loka is such a unique and diverse community that I want to give you all a chance to tell how you decided to create the name we all know you by!
I'll start us all off!
Jammin_Mas, _Maiz_, Jammin_Trash
The name Jammin_Mas relates closest to my personal life. I've always loved the guitar and my parents would often cite me as "Jammin Out" when I played it! The underscore is just a filler leading to the Mas, which is short for my real name, Mason.

_Maiz_ Is a rather simple yet complicated name as it not only is spanish for my favorite food (corn) but also matched my friend Koi's former name of _Kaiz_.

Jammin_Trash was a name I decided on when thinking of what tag my clan, The Seagulls, should have after our names. After pvping with Archersquid it was decided that we would include his favorite nickname of Trash in our names and move to Kalros to be with him.

Of course there are many other nicknames that I have but most of those were from years ago when I was just a farmer, and are not in circulation.

Who's Next!
A long time ago, I was really young and playing Star Wars Battlefront on a Playstation 2 and needed a username. I really don't know how I came up with the name, but I picked Sparky and have used it on everything ever since. It has various forms, but they all have the same origin story. For instance, on Steam I use Sparky201014. I get asked about the numbers a lot, 2010 refers to the year 2010, when I got my PS3 and had to create an online username, and the 14 refers to just a favorite number.
Adzb13 was my original username, it was thought of when I first got minecraft in 2013, I couldn’t think of a username so I just put “adz” which my parents call me short (or use to) for Adam, then my first letter of my second name, then the 13 was the year I bought mc, (was on Christmas Day).

AC_Adzy = I had a group/clan called Arkstal, and we tried the name thing but we ended up not liking it and changing back.

ImNotAdzy = strom kill my kd so I changed it to imNotAdzy to try not get targeted, Ik a master plan, idk how they saw right through it!! (also, i was able to blame my brother, they didn't know whether it was me or not ;) ik genius)

And then there is _Adzy... around 2014 when i joined a new server, the owner and most the playerbase couldnt pronounce my adzb13 name properly, they either said it "adz" "B" "13 or "A" "D" "Z" "B" "13" lol, so they decided to just start calling me Adzy, and i kinda went with it and eventually liked the nickname, so i ended up changing to _Adzy i think early 2017, not sure may have been 2016.
So, RedandSmudge was my first username. I was having problems thinking of a username to use, so I got my parents to help me. My mom suggested we take the names of our two dogs at the time, Little Red and Smudge. We shortened Little Red to Red and got RedandSmudge.

The next name I used was TheOtakuBookWorm. I had decided that I didn't want to be RedandSmudge after my dog Little Red died since everyone would be calling me "Red" in the context of his name. So, I went back to the drawing board. I decided to take the two things I love, reading and watching anime and put them together into a username.

Finally, I got my current username OtakuBookWorm. I decided to drop the The because on another server they couldn't fit my name onto an npc and asked me to change my name, and it just stuck since then.
Needed a username to make an xbox live account many years ago. Went to a random word generator for a fruit and an adjective. Boom. DeceitfulPear. Kept using it because it is never taken. I have a few backup usernames just incase it is taken but they all relate to DeceitfulPear in some way. Sometimes my username is Pyrum which is just Latin for pear and it sounds pretty snazzy so ;D
mine was originally supposed to be parabolic, but when creating my account years ago i found it was taken so i swapped the letters around and there it was, my other name which i very rarely change to is actually the name of the Greek philosopher who first theorized the earth was round. kinda named myself that to go with the round/flat earth memes
OperaGhost: I love the phantom of the opera
2004: OperaGhost was already taken, so I added 2004, which was both the year I was born, and the year the movie was made.
MinecraftJedi127: Minecraft because it was the game, Jedi because I loved Star Wars, and 127 for my birthday, 1/27. I was called Jedi until someone, I can't remember his name right now but if I saw it I would recognize it, made a typo and said "hey Jedoi" instead of Jedi. I laughed and said that was my new name. It stuck.
ModernMozart1787: If you know me well, you probably know a lot of Mozart trivia, so one day, OperaGhost2004 called me Modern Mozart, and it sort of stuck. The 1787 part is because that's the year Mozart wrote the most compositions. So, ModernMozart1787.
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I was fat when I was born (over 10 pounds) and my parents watched a lot of cooking shows, particularly one with a very fat Italian man name Pisquallie. Being the brilliant people they are, they saw the connection of our fat and called me little Mr. Pisquallie. You're welcome.
Similar to DeceitfulPear, I was making my second Xbox account because I forgot the email’s password for the first one and I couldn’t think of a name (my first name was “Dragonstriker777” which I made when I was 8) so I let Xbox choose for me. I got TimeCentaur5 and I just took off the 5 because people thought it was an S.

CompanionCraft is my bro’s Minecraft account that I used because, once again, I forgot the email/password to TimeCentaur. Finally I decided to use the link at the top of r/Minecraft and I talked with this lovely lady named “Cecilia” who helped me get the account back.
Gabriela Rosenheart Wagner was the name of my old dalmatian who died many years ago. So to commemorate her I named my username gabrosen. It's not capitalized because she is no longer with us.
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