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popbot69/NegativePingg ban appeal

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Hello Loka, after almost 11 months of a ban because of a consecutive serie of very bad actions that I did, 4 months of my last appeal, I'd like to try it again, I think I haven't been much active in the internet, focused on other things, I can tell I improved my behavior & discipline, changed in a lot of things, got a bit more mature and well.
I'd like to ask another opportunity again and be forgiven by who anyone I hurt once, and well, that's all I can say.
Thank you, I hope you take this appeal.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
It has been under 9 months since you have been banned (on the posting of your appeal) not 'almost 11 months'. Due to your history, we still don't feel it has been long enough and will not be lifting the ban at this time.

Our response to your previous appeal.
You alted to ban evade 1 month prior to your ban when you were temp banned for a previous offense. On top of that we believe you alted after being perma banned on the account kyiiv as you logged onto that account with the same IP.

Within a 3 month period prior to your perma ban you badly doxxed another player, seriously bullied and harassed a different individual, had numerous chat offenses, town betrayed twice, made numerous racist remarks targetted at others, got permuted for more hate speech before finally getting perma banned for blatantly fly hacking around the server. As a result, we are struggling to see why you 'think enough time has passed' or why we would have any interest in unbanning you at this moment.
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