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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

January 28th, Day 1541: Aesculus flava

Fruit Info: Here we have another fruit in our fruit of the day series and it is a member of the same genus of our previous 5 fruits. It is commonly known as the sweet buckeye, yellow buckeye or the common buckeye. It is a native of the Appalachian Mountains and the Ohio Valley in the United States.

Fruit Tier: E
January 29th, Day 1542: Dipteronia sinensis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a species of fruit that is native to the Chinese mainland. The fruit has a large flat circular wing attached to it that turns form light green to red as it ripens.

Fruit Tier: E
January 30th, Day 1543: Alectryon excelsus

Fruit Info: Our newest fruit of the day is this one known as the tītoki. This fruit is a native to New Zealand where it is found in costal regions and lowland forests. The pulp of this fruit is edible and was consumed by the Māori people.

Fruit Tier: B

January 31st, Day 1544: Alectryon tomentosus

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have this lovely little number known as the red jacket, or sometimes as the hairy birds eye or the woolly rambutan (@3ist ). It grows on trees found in the rainforests of eastern Australia. The flesh of this fruit is in fact edible.

Fruit Tier: C

February 1st, Day 1545: Alectryon connatus

Fruit Info: For our next fruit of the day we have a species of fruit endemic to Australia particularly in the eastern region of Queensland. European scientists first formally described this species in the year 1859. It is commonly known as the hairy alectryon.

Fruit Tier: D
February 2nd, Day 1546: Cupania vernalis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have this whacky looking fellow from São Paulo. That’s all literally all the info I have in this fruit. Nothing beyond where it comes from.

Fruit Tier: S

February 3rd, Day 1547: Harpullia pendula

Fruit Info: Today for our next fruit of the day we have the mogun-mogun, which you may no be one of the myriads of baked it goes by. It is a native of the eastern most regions of Australia, near the coastline.

Fruit Tier: S

February 4th, Day 1548: Harpullia ramiflora

Fruit Info: Here we have our latest fruit of the day, which is the fruit of the Claudie Tulipwood (also known as the cape work tulipwood). The fruits are a bright red sometimes bright pink color. The are these sort of two valve capsules.

Fruit Tier: S
February 4th, Day 1548: Harpullia ramiflora

Fruit Info: Here we have our latest fruit of the day, which is the fruit of the Claudie Tulipwood (also known as the cape work tulipwood). The fruits are a bright red sometimes bright pink color. The are these sort of two valve capsules.

Fruit Tier: S
View attachment 11851
what makes this s tier, have u tried it before?
what makes this s tier, have u tried it before?
The vibes mostly.

February 5th, Day 1549: Harpullia rhyticarpa

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Slender Harpullia. This fruit is endemic to the rainforests of northeastern Queensland in Australia. This fruit contains usually two black seeds covered in a yellow to reddish aril.

Fruit Tier: B
February 6th, Day 1550: Harpullia hillii

Fruit Info: For our next fruit of the day in this fruit of the day series we have the oblong leaved tulip’s fruit. It is a native of the eastern regions of Australia. The fruit is a yellow elliptical capsule.

Fruit Tier: A

February 7th, Day 1551: Harpullia frutescens

Fruit Info:Today for our fruit of the day we have the dwarf Harpullia, which is a native species of the North Queensland area. The fruit is a shiny crimson capsule. Usually it contains only two seeds inside each fruit.

Fruit Tier: A

February 8th, Day 1552: Harpullia arborea

Fruit Info: Our next fruit of the day is this bad boy right here known as the cooktown tulipwood fruit. It is a native to the Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka, mainland southeast Asia, Queensland Australia and more. This fruit is a red capsule that contains multiple shiny black seeds.

Fruit Tier: A

February 9th, Day 1552: Harpullia alata

Fruit Info: Here for our latest fruit of the day we have the winged tulip fruit or the wing-leaved tulip fruit. It is endemic to eastern Australia. This fruit is considered a sessile meaning it doesn’t have a stalk.

Fruit Tier: C
