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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

February 13th, Day 274: Chinotto

Fruit Info: Ah yes, more citrus. Just what people wanted and simultaneously weren't expecting. The Myrtle-Leaved Orange is a bitter citrus whose flavor is an essential element of many Italian dishes. It is also traditionally referred to by its Italian name, the Chinotto.

Fruit Tier: D

February 14th, Day 275: Cleopatra Mandarin

Fruit Info: Today we have a 100% appropriate for Valentine’s Day fruit. The cleopatra mandarin. This particular fruit originated in India before it was brought to Jamaica and from there eventually Florida. If you’re wondering about the origin of the fruits name then you’ll be happy to know I also have no clue.

Fruit Tier: B

February 15th, Day 276: Jabara

Fruit Info: The jabara is a citrus hybrid originating in the Wakayama Prefecture of Japan. It is a cross between a yuzu and pomelo that occurred naturally. It’s extract is apparently used in some cosmetics.

Fruit Tier: D

February 16th, Day 277: Kishu Mikan

Fruit Info: The Kishu Mikan is a hybrid of Mikan and mandarin orange. It is also known as the baby orange. Like most of its close relatives it is sweet and high in vitamin c. It also comes in two varieties both seedless and with seeds.

Fruit Tier: C

February 17th, Day 278: Meyer Lemon

Fruit Info: The Meyer lemon is a hybrid of the citron, pomelo, and the mandarin. It’s deep yellow hue gains an orange tint whenever the fruit becomes ripe. It has mostly the same uses as regular lemons, such as lemonade and meat tenderizing. It was brought to the United States from China in 1908 by Frank Nicholas Meyers under the designation S.P.I. #23028.

Fruit Tier: A

February 18th, Day 279: Murcott

Fruit Info: The murcott is a citrus hybrid with only one of its parent species known. The fruit is a descendent of the king tangelo (it’s seed parent), but it’s other ancestor(s) remains unknown. It is produced heavily in Florida so it can be sold and marketed under the name ‘honey tangerine’.

Fruit Tier: D

February 19th, Day 280: Sanbokan

Fruit Info: The sanbokan is our new fruit of the day. It is a citrus of completely unknown parentage. It is quite similar to a mandarin orange, and is found in the Wakayama prefecture of Japan. It apparently has good flavor is very juicy though.

Fruit Tier: D

February 20th, Day 281: Ponkan

Fruit Info: Ponkan, Citrus poonensis, and Chinese Honey Orange are all names for this same hybrid citrus. Originally believed to be a pure mandarin, the Ponkan is actually a hybrid between the mandarin and the pomelo. The fruit is known for its very sweet flavor and easy to peel rind. The tree it grows on often produces so many fruits that the branches need added supports to keep from breaking under the weight of all the fruits.

Fruit Tier: C

February 21st, Day 282: Citrus depressa

Fruit Info: You ever seen a tv show run so long that they start doing basically the same story over and over again? That’s what nature did with citrus. It’s not that interesting anymore. But here’s a bunch of names so that it’s easier to check If I did this fruit before. Shiikuwasha, shequasar, Taiwan tangerine, Okinawa lime, flat lemon, hirami lemon, thin-skinned flat lemon.

Fruit Tier: D

February 22nd, Day 283: Yukou

Fruit Info: The Yukou is a Japanese citrus fruit (dang there are a lot of these) who’s genetics indicate it is across between the kishumikan, koji, and a little Tachibana orange. It can be found in the Nagasaki prefecture and Saga Prefecture of Japan.

Fruit Tier: E

February 23rd, Day 284: Hyuganatsu

Fruit Info: Yet another citrus that originated in Japan. This one is named for ‘Hyūga’ the ancient name for the Miyazaki prefecture, and ‘Natsu’ meaning summer. Hence why this fruit can also be called the Mew Summer Orange. It’s flesh is juicy and sweet with a slight sour taste.

Fruit Tier: B

I never realized how many citrus fruits there are..
There are so many more too. It’s the most cultivated kind of fruit I bet.

February 24th, Day 285: Rough Lemon

Fruit Info: Cross a mandarin orange with a citron and you get this. Such rough, much lemon.

Fruit Tier: S

February 25th, Day 286: Kawachi Bankan

Fruit Info: Also called the Mishokan and the Uwa Gold, todays fruit is another Japanese citrus. The Kawachi Bankan was originally discovered in the Kumamoto prefecture of Japan in 1910. It is sweet in flavor and somewhat acidic, it is also known for being very juicy. The fruit got some attention when a limited time flavor of the Japanese candy Hi-Chew that was based on the fruit was released.

Fruit Tier: C

February 26th, Day 287: Shangjuan

Fruit Info: Also know as the Ichang lemon, the Shangjuan is a cold hardy citrus fruit originating in east Asia. It is beloved to be a hybrid of pomelo and Ichang papeda. From this originates yet another acceptable name to call it, the Ichang pomelo.

Fruit Tier: D
