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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

January 29th, Day 259: Cam sanh

Fruit Info: The cam sanh, also known as the king orange, is a citrus hybrid originating in Vietnam. The fruit can be recognized by its very thick and usually bright green skin.

Fruit Tier: C

January 30th, Day 260: Imperial Lemon

Fruit Info: Allow me to copy paste the entire Wikipedia article on this fruit.

“The Imperial lemon is thought to be a lemon and grapefruit hybrid. Its fruit is slightly larger than a lemon and has a more rounded shape.”

So there you have it.

Fruit Tier: F

January 31st, Day 261 Kinnow

Fruit Info: The kinnow is a mandarin hybrid citrus that is known for extremely high yield trees.The fruit was originally created by Howard B. Frost at the University of California’s Citrus Experiment Station (I didn’t even know they had one of those). It was released for commercial cultivation in 1935 and is now cultivated extensively in the Punjab region of Pakistan and India.

Fruit Tier: B

February 1st, Day 262: Kiyomi

Fruit Info: Today we will have the Japanese citrus fruit the kiyomi. It is a hybrid of the orange and Miyagawa Wase Mikan (another citrus), that was created in japan in 1949. Supposedly it smells like an orange but tastes like the Mikan.

Fruit Tier: C

February 2nd, Day 263: Amanatsu

Fruit Info: It’s another citrus hybrid, what more do you want from it? Is kind of neat I guess. Probably has a flavor. Definitely seeing a peel so that’s cool. I bet it even grows from a plant.

Fruit Tier: A Wow such citrus
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4 oranges in a row...
Let’s keep this streak going!

February 4th, Day 265: Tangor

Fruit Info: One of the many possible hybrids of the sweet orange and the mandarin orange, Tangor is a citrus known for its thick and easy to peel peel. It’s name comes from combining tangerine with orange.

Fruit Tier: C

February 5th, Day 266: Citron

Fruit Info: The citron is a hybrid of many different types of citrus, most of them uncertain how much due to the fruits old history. It is widely used in Asian cuisine, perfumes, and religious rituals and offerings. It is also noted for its thick rind which you can see in one of the pictures bellow.

Fruit Tier: B

February 5th, Day 266: Citron

Fruit Info: The citron is a hybrid of many different types of citrus, most of them uncertain how much due to the fruits old history. It is widely used in Asian cuisine, perfumes, and religious rituals and offerings. It is also noted for its thick rind which you can see in one of the pictures bellow.

Fruit Tier: B

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It looks like lemon corn
February 6th, Day 267: Florentine Citron

Fruit Info: The Florentine citron is another hybrid citrus, this one being a combination of the lemon and the citron. It is named after its “most known origin of cultivation” according to Wikipedia. It is also supposedly very fragrant.

Fruit Tier: D

February 7th, Day 268: Ponderosa Lemon

Fruit Info: And in the next corner is our challenger for the new fruit of the day title. He’s a pomelo and citron hybrid that looks way bumpier than I Personally care for. He hails from Hagerstown Maryland and is 135 years old. It’s the Ponderosa Lemon!

Fruit Tier: A

February 8th, Day 269: Limetta

Fruit Info: What do you get when you combine a citron with a bitter orange? Apparently a sweet lime, or as others know it the limetta or mousami. It is native to some of the southern regions of Iran, but is cultivated all around the Mediterranean basin. Now one thing about this fruit that stands out is the oxymoronic name “sweet lime”. I mean limes certainly aren’t sweet, right? Well in a rather unique way this fruit is sweet but also holds true to the limes iconic sour taste. See the inside of the fruit, and it’s juice, is sweet, but only for a time. After exposure to air for a few minutes the limetta turns into the iconic sour. And that’s definitely one of the most unique traits I’ve seen from these daily fruits.

Fruit Tier: S

February 9th, Day 270: Pompia

Fruit Info: Today we have the pompia, a lumpy looking variety of citrus, about as large as a grapefruit.The inner pulp of the fruit is Very dry, chewy, and bitter. So much so that many consider it inedible.

Fruit Tier: B

February 10th, Day 271: Bergamot Orange

Fruit Info: a likely descendant of the bitter orange and the lemon, this fruit clicks in as our newest daily fruit. It supposedly tastes less sour than a lemon but more bitter than a grapefruit. Now while it is orange it’s important to realize the fruit is green. It’s green, but it’s orange. But it is orange. Although it’s green too.

Fruit Tier: A

February 11th, Day 272: Calamansi

Fruit Info: The calamansi is our new fruit of the day, and yet another citrus. It is primarily cultivated in the Philippines where its production does have reasonably large economic significance. The fruit is primarily used in preserves or as an ingredient in some cooked dish.

Fruit Tier: C

February 12th, Day 273: Iyokan

Fruit Info: The second most popular citrus fruit in Japan, the iyokan, is our new fruit of the day. This fruit arose from crossing the Dancy Tangerine with the kaikoukan fruit. It has a thick peel that protects the inside until you claw it off to eat that good stuff. The flesh itself is more sour in taste than and orange, and somewhat bitter too.

Fruit Tier: B
