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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

May 9th, Day 721:

Fruit Info:
Mangifera sumbawaensis is a species of plant in the family Anacardiaceae. It is endemic to Indonesia. It is native to Sumbawa
Mangifera sumbawaensis is an evergreen tree, it can grow up to 40 metres (130 ft) tall. The bole can be free of branches for up to 25 m (82 ft) and up to 60 cm (24 in) in diameter, sometimes with small buttress.
The fruit is harvested from the wild for local use as food.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: B

May 10th, Day 722: Elaeodendron australe

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit comes from a tree know as the red-fruited olive plum, which must make this the red olive plum. Which makes me convinced that this fruit doesn’t know what it’s doing because being a plum and an olive isn’t possible.

Fruit Tier: C

May 12th, Day 724: Fortune’s Spindle

Fruit Info: The spindle, fortune’s spindle, winter creeper, wintercreeper and Eounymus fortunel are all names for todays fruit. Todays fruit also has like no info on it so we’re done here.

Fruit Tier: B

May 13th, Day 725: Flindersia maculosa

Fruit Info: This fruit we have today comes in a somewhat woody exterior covered in small little bumps. The inside of the fruit is filled with winged seeds to allow effective reproduction. Otherwise there’s really not anything else left to say about it.

Fruit Tier: D

May 14th, Day 726: Icewood

Fruit Info: Flindersia acuminata’s fruit is made of a somewhat woody capsule just like yesterdays. It is covered in a bunch of small little points that serve as protection. When mature it splits into 5 different sections each containing 3 seeds.

Fruit Tier: E


Today marks the 2 year fruit in our hunt for a Cryptite head. It is a major milestone in the existence of this thread and in the fight for the liberation of Cryptite's head from his shoulders. This all started on May 16th, when Evil_X posted the first ever fruit in this thread. The humble apple. I don't think he would have imagined that this thread would be going strong 2 years and 3 fruit keepers later, but here we are. Rather than simply spend more time reflecting on this thread's history, lets get into the two year event.

(Also, yes our day number did get screwed up somewhere along the way, but it is correct now with this being 730)


It's been one year since the Ritual of the Fruits took place. While it failed to give us a Crypt head, it brought FoxyBearGames into the League of Fruit Keepers. Here we we find our intrepid 3 heroes reminiscing about the failed ritual.

"I can't believe it's been a whole year since we attempted the ritual of the fruits" sighed Evil_X. "How could it failed so horribly?"

"Excuse me?!?!?!" An offeneded FoxyBearGames interjects, "Is getting me on the team not a success in its own right?"

"No, Foxy, it's not that. It's just that after all this work we still have yet to get a Cryptite head..."

As the two fruit keepers continue to recall their exploits, the third of the trio begins to devise a plan. "I have a theory as to why the ritual failed" he says to the other two. "We contaminated it with bad fruit. Just look at the tier list, so many of these fruit we brought were subpar at best. Their energy harmed the ritual more than they helped."

"What are you implying here, Pac?" Foxy asks with concern.

"I believe that if we only used the purest and strongest fruits we've found, we could find success in a second ritual. Provided we have the right two year fruit of course" Pac_man_ proclaims, the gears in his head visibly turning.

"You want to do another ritual?!?" asks the shocked Evil_X. "What fruit do you think we could possibly bring for two years that will make this ritual successful? Clearly if it-"

An excited Foxy interjects, "I may have just the fruit. But you'll have to think big. Real big."

The trio walk out into the night.


"Surely you must be kidding?" Asks Evil_X, as Foxy gestures into the night sky. "You really don't think this is going to work do you?"

"There's only one way to find out" Pac_man_ and FoxyBearGames say in unison.

"I know we've done some pretty crazy fruits before, but an entire nebula? You boys are insane." declares Evil_X.

"But do you think it'll work?" Asks Pac_man_

"I think yall have lost your minds... and I love it!
Let's have another ritual"

May 15th, Day 730: Apple Core Nebula

Fruit Info: Perhaps the most powerful fruit we have ever had on this thread, the apple core nebula represents the birth and death of the cosmos themselves. This fruit formed 9800 years or more ago, and is visible to humans with only the need for binoculars. It's immense power surrounds everything it comes neer.



With the power of this fruit, nothing will be able to stop us. Let the Ritual of the Fruit 2, commence!

(to be continued)
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And so the fruit keepers set out into the world, searching to find a most sacred location. Only there would they be able to perform the ritual of the fruits to it's fullest potential. Guided by only their hearts, they soon realized that the journey before them would take far longer than they ever expected. After nearly a full day of searching, the exhausted fruit keepers began to give up hope that they would be able to find the fruit temple of legend. But then, when they least expected it, before them appeared the fruit of the day!!!!

May 16th, Day 731: Fruit Spirit

Fruit Info:
A sacred fruit spirit. These powerful deities have existed since the beggining of time itself, constantly nudging the universe towards good. They watch over all of fruit kind, caring for them from afar. They seldom ever appear in the physical world, often speaking through the fruits themselves instead. When they do appear in physical form, it is only to those that need them most, and have proven themselves worthy.

Fruit Tier: S


How honored the fruit keepers were to witness a fruit spirit in person. Even more honored were they when they realized it had come to guide them. They followed the spirit for the rest of the night, through mountains, forests and across rivers. Finally, as dawn began to break over the horizon, they caught a glimpse of a tower in the distance...


(to be continued)
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With the guidance of the kind fruit spirit, our brave fruit keepers were able to find the sacred tower for the ritual of the fruits. This tower was the site of the original ritual of the fruit, conducted millenia ago by the fruit spirits to save all of fruit kind from the great fruit tragedy, Because of this deeep connection to the history of fruits, this tower will allow the fruit keepers to perform the ritual in its purest form.

Here we find the fruit keepers inside of the tower, trying to find their way to the ritual spot on the top of the tower. However, the fruit keepers were stuggling to reach the top, for the inside of the abandoned fruit tower was like a maze. As they searched the inside of the tower for their path to advance, the echoes of unseen fruit spirits laughing filled the rooms, mocking them for their failures. Eventually, as they slowly climbed the tower, the fruit keepers came across a locked stairway. They spent almost a whole day searching for the key to the stairway before Evil_X caught a glimpse of it, floating through the air. The key was being hidden by the fruit of the day!

May 17th, Day 732: Fruit Ghost

Fruit Info: Today's fruit of the day is the fruit ghost. The fruit ghost is a malevolent form of fruit spirit. Often beginning existence as regular fruit spirits, fruit ghosts have grown hostile to the rest of the world. This is usually due to witnessing hundereds of years of fruit abuse from the rest of the world. For these reasons fruit ghosts have notoriously become toruble makers for those who would inhabit the same space as them.

Fruit TIer: S


(To be continued)
As our adventerous fruit keepers were just about to give up on finding a way through the stairwell of the tower, Evil_X spotted the key they needed in possesion of a fruit ghost. Acquiring the key from the ghost would prove to be an even more difficult challenge, however. The fruit keepers tried to capture the tormented spirit, they tried negotiating with it, they even tried begging it to release the key, but try as they might their labors yielded no fruit. It owuldn't be until the bells of the tower struck midnight that the fruit keepers realized a soltuion. The same stories that told of the fruit ghosts told of the one tool that could soothe the angry spirits, the bell fruits. Bell fruits were a type of instrumental fruit used in the original ritual of the fruits, their purpose being to soothe the suffering of all fruit around the world. By using a bell fruit our heroes would be able to calm the fruit ghosts and acquire the key from them. So they set out to find the bell fruit, which coincidentally happens to be our fruit of the day!

May 18th, Day 733: Bell Fruit

Fruit Info:

Used in the original ritual of the fruit to soothe the agony of the fruits all over the world, the bell fruits that can be used like this make up a very small percentage of bell fruits out there. Nobody fully understands how these bell fruits are able to soothe even the greatest pains in the world, but there has yet to be an agony to great for them to help heal.

Fruit TIer:


Will our brave fruit keepers manage to find a bell fruit to soothe the ghosts? Find out next time on fruit of the day!​
Our brave fruit adventures wander out into the world hoping to find the mystical bell fruit to soothe the fruit ghosts that blocked their way. According to legend the bell fruit only grew in the flower fields near lakes, and only on the full moon. Coincidentally those conditions just so happened to be met for our adventurers that night. What an amazing stroke of luck! As they went out to the nearby lake searching to find the bell fruit, they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
After searching the entire lakeside, the fruit keepers were devastated to realize there were no signs of the ellusive bell fruit. How could they come so far and miss their chance now? As the fruit keepers were about to resign themselves to deafeat, before them appeared a type of fruit spirit they had never heard of before. Dressed in unique garb, and with an unusually human-like appearance, the fruit keepers were baffled. The spirit gestured toward the tower as if to tell the fruit keepers something. When they turned to look they saw nothing unusual, but upon returning their gaze to the spirit, she had vanished, leaving only a single growing bell fruit in here place. Whoever this mysterious fruit spirit was, they knew there was something fundamentally different about her.

May 19th, Day 734: Mysterious Fruit Spirit

Fruit Info:
A unique variety of fruit spirit that appeared only to give the fruit keepers the bell fruit that they required to continue their journey. Who was she? Why did she help them? Is she connected to the bell fruit or perhaps to the tower? There is still much to learn about this mysterious type of fruit.

Fruit Tier: ???


(To be continued)
As we rejoin our brave fruit keepers, we find them having just encountered a mysterious fruit spirit the seemingly gave them the bell fruit they have been searching for. With this new fruit in hand, they marched back into the tower from which they would conduct the ritual of the fruits. Once inside they sought out all the fruit ghosts that they could find, soothing each one with the bell fruit. One by one the fruit ghosts returned to their natural state as fruit spirits before disappearing into the night. After much work, they had soothed all the fruit ghosts they could find, including the one with the stairwell key. In return for healing his soul, the sepctre gave them the key before disappearing as all the others had.

Triumphant, the fruit keepers unlocked the stairwell that would let the ascend the tower. After all their hard work they had finally reached the climax. They knew that as the sun set the next day, they would be able to conduct the ritual of the fruit that they had worked so hard to prepare for. In celebration, they endulged in todays fruit of the day!!!!!

May 20th, Day 735: Celebratory Fruit

Fruit Info:

A tradition among fruit keepers, the celebratory fruit is known for providing refreshment of the mind, soul and heart. Only partaken in on special occasions, this fruit is among the most important for celebration. Most commonly fruit keepers enjoy this fruit in preperation for a ritual, or for a big anniversary celebration. Some celebratory fruits come with tiny umbrellas in them.

Fruit Tier: S


(To be continued)
At long last, our intrepid fruit keepers have arrived at the moment to summon forth a Cryptite Head. The moment that all this work had been for. They climb up the stairwell and to the roof of the tower. Here they will find their success.

It's finally time for the
Ritual of the Fruits 2

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May 21st, Day 736: Tiger

Fruit Info:

Native to a lot of southern and middle Asia, the tiger grows mostly in warm and wet conditions. The mositure is important to sustaining the trees as any given tiger is composed of approximately 70% water. Due to the size of a fully ripened tiger, this means the tree often has to store over 100kg in water for each tiger it grows. This sort of requirement is unsustainable even in most damp climates, leading to the tiger growing mostly in the local rainy season. The tiger is seldom eaten, it is mostly grown for ornamental purposes. That being said, this fruit is highly toxic, so while not eaten it still is a threat to those who grown one. This has lead world governments to placing many restrictions on who can and can't grow a tiger of their own.

Fruit TIer: B

May 23rd, Day 738: Wartsberry

Fruit Info: Todays fruit is iconic for its horrible stench, blue color, dry texture, and bitterness. It’s flavor is often used in various products to deter people and other animals from consuming whatever had been flavored. Artificial wartsberry flavoring has been created to be used in important non-edible products.

Fruit Tier: D

May 24th, Day 739: Bonete

Fruit Info: “Jacaratia mexicana (also known as bonete or K'uun che) is a species of tree, in the genus Jacaratis of the family Caricaceae. it is found in the tropical dry forests of central and southern Mexico, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: D

May 25th, Day 740: Occa Berry

Fruit Info: Our fruit of the day today is the occa berry. A native fruit to the Sinnoh region, this particular fruit gives any Pokémon that consumes it a 50% reduction in damage they receive from a fire type attack. Unsurprisingly, this berry also has a spicy flavor.

Fruit Tier: C
