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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

April 10th, Day 692: Scentless Bayberry

Fruit Info: Have you ever looked at a bayberry and thought “wow I love this bayberry, but why does it have to smell so bad?” Have you ever been waking by someone I’m the streets and automatically know they have a bayberry because of the smell? Well today we can change all that! Introducing the patent pending Myrica inodora! This odorless bayberry is a technological miracle straight from the United State’s gulf coast. It’s revolutionary new “stink be gone” technology is sure to have you coming back for more scentless fruits all the time.

Fruit Tier: S

April 11th, Day 693: Northern Bayberry

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is a very small, pale, and wrinkled berry. Myrica pensylvanica is a native to eastern North America. American colonists boiled the berries to extract their wax to make sweet smelling and clean burning candles.

Fruit Tier: B

April 12th, Day 694: Chinese Bayberry

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit isn’t particularly big but makes up for it in spirit, and the fact that some cultivars have been bred to grow up to 4cm. Myrica rubra’s fruit has been used in many different ways. It can be eaten fresh but also as a dried snack or canned. It can also be fermented to give you varying types of alcohol depending on how you prepare it. It’s juice especially has been commercialized under the label “Yumberry”.

Fruit Tier: S

April 13th, Day 695: Juglans Regis

Fruit Info: “Leaves are large (20–50 cm), with 11–23 slender leaflets, finely pubescent, margins serrated. The wood can be extremely hard (Brazilian walnut Janka hardness test of 3684). Native to North America and South America.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: A

April 14th, Day 696: Southern California Black Walnut

Fruit Info: While edible, today’s fruit is not grown commercially. That being said Juglans californica was eaten by the Chumash Indians of the Channel Islands of California. That fact is requiring citation on Wikipedia though so take it with a heavy dose of salt it also apparently is sometimes grown in private gardens and similar ideas though.

Fruit Tier: S

April 15th, Day 697: Arizona Walnut

Fruit Info: Juglans major, the Arizona Walnut, is a pretty standard walnut where it is a hard outer coating that protects the softer and edible seed inside. It grows natively in Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, regular Mexico and, you guessed it, Arizona.

Fruit Tier: D

April 16th, Day 698: Ecuadorian Walnut/Colombian Walnut

Fruit Info: Juglans neotropica is our fruit today, and it is found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This fruit’s husk is a yellow-green color when it is ripe and it is oftentimes harvested from the ground after it falls. While the husk is often harder the fruit inside is sometimes sweeter than some of its cousin walnuts like the Persian walnut. The husk of the fruit is also a strong dye, so much so that it can stain your clothes and hands when you get the sap on you.

Fruit Tier: E

April 16th, Day 698: Ecuadorian Walnut/Colombian Walnut

Fruit Info: Juglans neotropica is our fruit today, and it is found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This fruit’s husk is a yellow-green color when it is ripe and it is oftentimes harvested from the ground after it falls. While the husk is often harder the fruit inside is sometimes sweeter than some of its cousin walnuts like the Persian walnut. The husk of the fruit is also a strong dye, so much so that it can stain your clothes and hands when you get the sap on you.

Fruit Tier: E

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April 18th, Day 700: Aggressive Fruit Machine

Fruit Info: Today we have the aggressive fruit machine. This powerful fruit based machine is capable of magically dispensing local money based on the random occurrence of specific shapes. Sadly it seems your luck ran out today.

This particular fruit uses the likeness of one of its most valuable mutualists, the Gibon. By using its likeness the fruit attracted the Gibon to it, making it much more likely to be eaten and thus get the seeds spread across the land to grow new fruit machines. Isn’t nature grand?

Fruit Tier: SSS

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April 19th, Day 701: lúcuma

Fruit Info: Today we have the lúcuma, a fruit from the plant Pouteria lucuma. It grows native to the Andes valleys of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Chile. When eaten raw the lúcuma is very sweet but with a very dry and mealy texture. This means that in some places it is more often used as a flavoring for things like ice cream instead. Apparently they have also taken to growing this in Vietnam too, which is pretty cool.

Fruit Tier: A

April 20th, Day 702: Pouteria splendens

Fruit Info: “Pouteria splendens is a species of plant in the family Sapotaceae It is endemic to the coastal areas of Central Chile. Due to the current rates of habitat loss, a recent study proposed to reclassify this species as Endangered.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: C

April 22nd, Day 704: Abiurana

Fruit Info: Pouteria torta is today’s fruit of the day, and boy what a fruit it is. It is found mainly in the Brazilian cerrado. Amazing! It is sometimes called the red abiurana because it can have a res color sometimes. Incredible! It is also often brought from the Amazon up to Mexico. Phenomenal!

Fruit Tier: C

April 23rd, Day 705: Pouteria costata

Fruit Info: Today we have this lovely little fruit that is, according to Wikipedia, “very palatable to rats.” Apparently it is so palatable to rats that research from New Zealand has recently shown that the pacific rat’s consumption of the fruit and destruction of its seeds has greatly reduced the population of the tree that grows today’s fruit.

Fruit Tier: A

April 24th, Day 706: Arganiia

Fruit Info: Here we have the Argania, Argania Spinosa, and it is the sole species of its genus. These fruits fall usually in late July when they turn black. This plant is known for its extremely rare and valuable oil that can be made from it

Fruit Tier: C
