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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

March 2nd, Day 653: Bombona

Fruit Info: This large juicy fruit is considered a treat by people in Ecuador, one of the countries it is native to. While this fruit had been known about and consumed by the indigenous people here for years, it was never written about scientifically until 1914.

Fruit Tier: A

March 3rd, Day 654: Green Berry Nightshade

Fruit Info: Also referred to by the common name morelle verte, the Solanum opacum is a type of nightshade native to eastern Australia. Supposedly it has a sweet yet spicy flavor. Despite that odd flavor, or perhaps because of it, the fruit seems to be cultivated only rarely.

Fruit Tier: S

March 4th, Day 655: Malevolence

Fruit Info: Here we have the purple devil, also known as malevolence or the five minute plant. The plant contains many highly toxic alkaloids which means you should most certainly not eat it. But Solanum atropurpurpeum has had a successful career as an ornamental fruit.

Fruit Tier: S

March 5th, Day 656: Yellow Nightshade

Fruit Info: Today we have Solanum villosum, another tomato relative that’s more of a weed than anything else. It’s not super interesting tbh. Kind of bad even.

Fruit Tier: F

March 6th, Day 657: Sticky Nightshade

Fruit Info: Solanum sisymbriifolium is out next fruit of the day and probably one of the last few of this genus (he says for like the 5th time). It is commonly known as the vila-vila, red buffalo-bur, fire-and-ice plant, and litchi tomato. This fruit often when young comes in a spiny husk to protect it while it needs a little longer to develop. The plant that produces this fruit is used as a trap crop to prevent potato cyst nematodes from harming potato crops. The fruit tastes similar to a sour Cherry with a slight hint of tomato.

Fruit Tier: B

March 7th, Day 658: Dutch Apple

Fruit Info: Today we have a tomato cousin that is, you guessed it, toxic. This one is very poisonous it’s though, consumption of the ripe or unripe fruit is enough to kill a cattle. While it can be found in Asia and South America, it is believed to have originated in Africa.

Fruit Tier: S

March 8th, Day 659: Fishberry

Fruit Info: Anamirta cocculus is a climbing plant native to India and Southeast Asia that grows today’s fruit, the Fishberry. The fruit’s seeds can be crush led and used or medicinal purposes, to stun fish, and as a pesticide. What a great combo. It’s name comes from the stunning fish oart of it. The seeds are crushed and then placed in the water. When the fish consumes it, it is stupefied and can easily be grabbed from the water. Many consider this unsportsmanlike though.

Fruit Tier: S

March 9th, Day 660: Moonseed

Fruit Info: Native to the eastern side of North America is the fruit known as the common moonseed. Menispermum canadense, is yet another fruit that is posinous due to some weird alkaloid. This fruit also has crescent moon shaped seed that gives it its name.

Fruit Tier: C

March 10th, Day 661: Snailseed

Fruit Info: Cocculus carolinus grows today’s fruit, the Carolina coralbead. The rough half moon shape of its seeds are apparently enough to invoke the image of a snail in people’s minds, because Wikipedia says it is the reason for this fruit’s common names. The article also describes them as looking like snail shells so I’m not trusting too much in this article.

Fruit Tier: D

March 11th, Day 662: Queen Coralbead

Fruit Info:Cocculus orbiculatus, the queen coralbead, is a species of woody vines. It is found from India east to Java.” - Entire Wikipedia article.

Fruit Tier: S

March 12th, Day 663: Gurjo

Fruit Info: The Heart-leaved Moonseed, the Giloy, the Guduchi, the Tinospora cordifolia, the Gurjo, the... well, that’s actually all the names I found for it. But this bright red fruit is a native to the Indian subcontinent. It has been used as form of traditional medicine for many years but currently is not recognized as a form of treatment by any regulatory body. Apparently people have gotten sick after consuming it during the covid pandemic as a supposed immunity booster.

Fruit Tier: C

March 14th, Day 665: Cornn Berry

Fruit Info: Today we have the cornn berry, a delicious looking fruit that was first discovered in the Hoenn region. While a useful ingredient in poffins and Berry Juice, the only other use is to make it into a powder for cooking with. The conditions of Hoenn makes these berries grow in groups of 2-4, but Sinnoh is a lot more conducive to their growth so there they can come in clusters of up to 10.

Fruit Tier: A

March 15th, Day 666: Forbidden Fruit

Fruit Info: This fruit of biblical legend is, based on the account, perhaps the most important fruit in human history. Coming from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this fruit was forbidden from being eaten by God himself. Despite this, Satan, in the form of a serpent, would go on to tempt the first woman, Eve, into eating it. She then likewise tempted the dirt Man, and so the world went on to fall to sin and satan’s influence.

Fruit Tier: Sinful

March 16th, Day 667: Common Snowberry

Fruit Info: Symphoricarpos albus, today’s fruit of the day, doesn’t seem very interesting at all. This plant is native to North America and grows throughout the USA and Canada.

Fruit Tier: B

March 17th, Day 668: Orangefruit horse-gentian

Fruit Info: Triosteum aurantiacum is a native to North America. If has been used by the native Americans for a variety of medical purposes and interestingly can be used as a coffee substitute when roasted.

Fruit Tier: D

March 18th, Day 669: Iapapa Berry

Fruit Info: Originally found in the Hoenn region, today’s fruit is a sour tasting berry with multiple benefits. This berry restores 1/3rd of the user’s total health, which is a pretty sick deal. The amount of berries on any given plant varies greatly depending on where it is planted.

Fruit Tier: D

March 19th, Day 670: Triosteum himalayanum

Fruit Info: There isn’t even a Wikipedia article on this fruit, but I did find a golden description for the whole plant on another another website so you can enjoy that:

“One of the few plants the damn yaks don't eat up in the Tibetan Plateau which explains why we were able to collect seed of this herbaceous honeysuckle relative. Bold leaves with absolutely nothing flowers in June which yield smashing clusters of marble-sized red fruit.”

Fruit Tier: D

March 20th, Day 671: Bandicoot Berry

Fruit Info: “Leea indica, the bandicoot berry, is a large shrub in the family Vitaceae. It is seen as common undergrowth in secondary and disturbed evergreen forests, Indomalaya Indochina, Australia and Pacific Islands and throughout in the Western Ghats of India.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: D
