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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

January 23rd, Day 615: Fox Head

Fruit Info: Today we have the Foxhead, Solanum mammosum, also known as the nipplefruit, cow’s udder, and apple of sodom. It is a poisonous fruit native to South America but it has been naturalized to Central America and southern Mexico. The fruit has been grown for traditional medical practices but now is mostly grown for ornamental reasons.

Fruit Tier: B

January 24th, Day 616: Tropical Soda Apple

Fruit Info: Solanum viarum, continues our trend of amazingly named fruits in this genus. It also looks like a watermelon except it’s the size of a golf ball. It is native to Brazil but has spread to much of the Americas where it is largely considered an obnoxious and invasive weed.

Fruit Tier: C

January 25th, Day 617: Naranjilla

Fruit Info: It’s a fruit with the scientific name of Solanum quitoense. You don’t deserve to know anything more.

Fruit Tier: S

January 26th, Day 618: Cocona

Fruit Info: Native to the Andes mountains of South America, there isn’t too much to say about this fruit. Solanum sessiliflorim produces a type of berry that is, well, uninteresting. When ripe it is usually a red orange or yellow color, and it is also occasionally cultivated for human consumption.

Fruit Tier: D

January 27th, Day 619: Carolina horsenettle

Fruit Info: These fruits are a type of berry that pretty closely resembles a tomato. The fruit takes on a yellow color when matured and also contains roughly 60 seeds per fruit. Like almost all of its genus, Solanum carolinense is toxic to some degree because of its solanine glycoalkaloids.

Fruit Tier: A

January 28th, Day 620: Bitterball

Fruit Info: Solanum incanum, is another close relative of the tomato. This one is also referred to as bitter tomato, bitter apple, and thorn apple. If you couldn’t figure out from those names, this fruit has a notably bitter taste to it. It is also native to Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.

Fruit Tier: B

January 29th, Day 621: Silverleaf Nightshade

Fruit Info: Considered a weed in some northern regions of the United States, and just a native inhabitant of southern regions, Solanum elaeagnifolium has a large geographic region it is native to. This region consists largely of the southern parts of North America and lots of Central America. It is also endemic to the Middle East which is odd.

Fruit Tier: C

January 30th, Day 622: Melonleaf Nightshade

Fruit Info: Solanum heterodoxum, the melonleaf nightshade, is a species of flowering plant in the family Solanaceae. It is native to Mexico and the US state of New Mexico, and has been introduced to Bulgaria. Solanum heterodoxum var. setigeroides is now considered to be a full species, Solanum setigeroides native to more northerly areas of the United States than S. heterodoxum.

Fruit Tier: A

January 31st, Day 623: African Eggplant

Fruit Info: Solanum macrocarponis a close relative of the, you guessed it, eggplant. The fruit here is largely cultivated for its use as food and sometimes for its ornamental value. The fruit and young leaves of the plant are quite bitter but both high in nutrients.

Fruit Tier: C

February 1st, Day 624: Fosberg

Fruit Info: With the s scientific name Solanum cheesemaniae, today’s fruit has nothing to do eith cheese. Nothing. It’s super disappointing and a waste of a phenomenal name. It’s just a tiny tomato. Lame.

Fruit Tier: F

Dont worry you will surely get cryptite's head soon...


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February 2nd, Day 625: Aquatic Soda Apple

Fruit Info: This fruit grows in the wetlands around Florida and is tolerant to a limited amount of flooding. I guess that’s why it has Aquatic in the name. Otherwise uninteresting

Fruit Tier:C

February 3rd, Day 626: Yellow Fruit Nightshade

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit has some of the worst grammar I have ever seen in a Wikipedia article. It was actually horrible. What little I made sense of, and seemed believable, was that it is cultivated around the Himalayas and some parts of East Malaysia, Polynesia, Australia and more. Additionally the fruit is possibly poisonous so consume with caution.

Fruit Tier: D

February 4th, Day 627: Nakati

Fruit Info: We have another interesting fruit today. Solanum aethiopicum goes by names such as Ethiopian Eggplant, Mock Tomato and Bitter Tomato. It gets these names because supposedly the fruit looks like a combination tomato and eggplant (it looks more like a pumpkin if you ask me). Often the leaves of the plant take a priority eat over the fruit because the leaves have better nutritional value.

Fruit Tier: B

February 5th, Day 628: Ice Cream Bean

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the Ice Cream Bean! It looks like some weird bug and to go with the name, tastes like vanilla ice cream. It's got some good sources of protein and like most fruits, is quite good for you.

Fruit Tier: S

February 6th, Day 629: Jurubeba

Fruit Info: This variety of nightshade is common to almost all of Brazil. Solanum paniculatum is known for its bitter taste. It does have some medicinal uses though. An infusion of its stem and root into sugar cane alcohol is used to aid in digestion before or after a meal.

Fruit Tier: C

February 7th, Day 630: Lanceleaf Nightshade

Fruit Info: Here we have the Lanceleaf Nightshade / Orangeberry Nightshade / Solanum lanceolatum. It is native to regions of South America, primarily in Brazil. It has been introduced to California where it is now considered a weed.

Fruit Tier: E

February 8th, Day 631: Melon Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have an evergreen shrub from South America known as the Melon Pear, Pepino Melon, and Solanum muricatum. Today’s fruit also has a fresh but milled flavor to it.

Fruit Tier: B

February 9th, Day 632: Solamum violaceum

Fruit Info: Solanum violaceum is a flowering plant in the family Solanaceae that is found in China at elevations of 100 to 2700 meters.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: D

February 10th, Day 633: Porcupine Tomato

Fruit Info: Deep in the tropics of Madagascar (and other assorted places in the Indian Ocean) there can be found an ancient fruit. One that possesses the mystical powers of toxic tropane alkaloids in it (don’t eat it). It is protected by an army of strong, fluorescent orange thorns. Only the brave dare to hunt for the rewards it holds.

Fruit Tier: A
