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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

December 19th, Day 582: Dusk Pustules (pikmin)

Fruit Info: If you’re ever in need of dusk pustules, then rest assured they can be found in one of three places. 1) The Garden of Hope, 2) The Distant Tundra, 3) The Twilight River. One cluster of dusk pustules can produce an entire bottle of juice making it an extremely useful fruit to grab when you see it.

Fruit Tier: S

December 20th, Day 583: Chao Fruit (sonic adventure 2)

Fruit Info: The lovely chao fruit is so named because it looks like the head of a chao. How imaginative... The chao are lovely little creatures that you can raise and feed, and the chao fruit is a useful part of that. It provides a boost to all of a chao’s possible stats except luck and intelligence. Fruit this good doesn’t come easily though, often times the only way to get it is on the black market.

Fruit Tier: C

December 21st, Day 583: Watermelon Fuse Bomb (Donkey Kong)

Fruit Info: These watermelons are special for their ability to pack a punch. These bombs are used by the kongs to defeat Ba-Boom

Fruit Tier: A (i like explosions)
December 22nd, Day 584: Beryl Nut (Satisfactory)
I know I've already done a fruit from Satisfactory but I love this game too much

Fruit Info: The Beryl Nut is the most common fruit found on Planet Massage-2(A-B)b, no matter where you are a Beryl Nut will be waiting nearby. A reliable and easy way to stay healthy.

Fruit Tier: S
(praise nut)
December 23rd, Day 385: Double Cherry (Super Mario 3D World)

Fruit Info: These delectable little cherries are the terrific twosome that make you see double. They function as a power up in Super Mario 3D World (where they made their debut) that gives you control of a second Mario. It originates with a mistake one developer made with a placement tool where he accidentally created two Marios.

Fruit Tier: D

December 24th, Day 586: Iron Akebi (Xenoblade Chronicles X)

Fruit Info: Native to Cauldros on planet Mira, the iron akebi fruit is a collectible that spawns only rarely. They mainly appear around some super specific land marks that make no sense out of context and are also needed in a single side quest. Neat I guess.

Fruit Tier: F kinda bad ngl

(DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS NOT SPONSORED BY APPLE (Proud member of Android gang) Go buy whatever makes you happy. The events depicted here are completely fictional and not meant to defame any real-life parties.)

December 25th, Day 587 - Christmas Special - Part One Of Three:
-- The Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max --

Fruit Info:
Need a gift for a loved one this Christmas, well I hate to say it but that edible fruit just won't cut it this year! You gotta go for the coolest thing on the street!
This bad boy boasts a 6.72" screen. Built out of Surgical-grade stainless steel with a Ceramic Shield, tougher than any smartphone glass and industry-leading IP68 water resistance!
Now, do you like cameras? Of course you do! We have 3 (or 4 or 5, can't quite tell actually so many circles it's kinda confusing) cameras here for you to use. You got your backup and a backup for that and these cameras will only get you the most epic real-life shots (if you ever get off Loka and touch grass or something idk). The Redesigned lens on this pup will get you an Ultra-Wide camera that can focus at just 2cm- making even the smallest details seem epic. 2.2x more light for fully lit nighttime shots and other fancy-sounding numbers!
1 TB of storage for storing all those sick Raid Shadow Legends clips! And I tell you, you'll be popping off in Raid with a 120Hz display combined with a 5-core GPU on A15 Bionic. We even got 5G yo that's right your phone is a mini-computer now, you don't even need a home!

Fruit Tier: A, do you deserve any less when you shop with Apple?

Tune in on Boxing Day where we'll meet Samantha. She was lucky enough to receive her very own Apple iPhone this year
(P.S. Merry Christmas to everyone, for many it would have ended by now but I really hope you had a brilliant day!)
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(DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS NOT SPONSORED BY APPLE (Proud member of Android gang) Go buy whatever makes you happy. The events depicted here are completely fictional and not meant to defame any real-life parties.)

Yesterday, Christmas Day, 0800 hrs:
Samantha had walked downstairs to open her gifts. Sam wasn't super excited for Christmas, her parents were obsessed with fruit and that meant Sam only ever got fruit under the Christmas tree. The fruit wouldn't even be edible, it's been sitting there as a gift for so long that it's all gone mouldy!
Hope was lost when Sam had opened a Pineapple, Froggyfruit, and Durian already. They were all mouldy, out of date and rotten, just like every other year. Only two gifts were left. Sam opened them still with a forced smile on her face, she didn't want to upset her hardworking parents, even if they were just way too obsessed with fruit.

Her parents had felt terrible for only ever giving Sam out-of-date fruit, they finally understood Sam couldn't be forced into loving fruit, this year they wanted to make it up for her. They went all out buying Samantha not just an iPhone 13 Pro Max but also the latest apple AirPods.
Samantha was overjoyed, she and her parents started to cry, while the parents and daughter could never learn to agree on their feelings of fruit, at least they could now respect each other's views for once.

December 26th, Day 588 - Christmas Special - Part Two Of Three:
-- Apple Airpods Pro --

Fruit Info:
It's that time again to give you the deets on these latest Apple products. These beauts have Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking. (Just in case you lose your head!) They also got that active noise cancellation and transparency mode. (great for blocking out family, your friends, or your boss!). Sweat and water-resistant and up to 4.5 hours of listening with a single charge (if you ever feel like going outside and using them...)

Fruit Tier: Because here at Apple we pride ourselves in making sure you don't get value for your money!

1400 hrs, present day:
Samantha's walking down the street to work with her new drip still overwhelmed that fruit could be so practical. At this moment, nobody could've blamed her for not realizing who was behind her...
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The Christmas Special has become way larger than I ever imagined and I've decided to take things in a very different direction.
This fruit forum thread has been going on for almost 600days and I want to bring all of the fruit worlds to the next level!
Instead of the usual stock images and nonsense writing, I'll be building fully original sets within Minecraft and bringing the fruit straight to Cryptite in an all-out structured multi-part war!
How will the inhabitants of Loka survive against the entirety of fruit kind in this non-canon lore series!

Expect a proof of concept which will also act as part 3 of this Christmas Special in the next week or so, stay tuned! (If things go well, lore beyond that will go in its own forum thread)
December 27th, Day 588: Wildberry (Legend of Zelda)

Fruit Info:
A fruit that grows in cold, snowy regions known for its tangy, sweet flavor. It doesn't offer any special effects, but it's a popular cooking ingredient. They can be roasted or alternatively used in making Pies, cakes, Mushroom mixes or Wilberry Crepes!

Fruit Tier: B
(Berry Useful!)
December 28th, Day 589: Stenocereus queretaroensis

Fruit Info: Just looking at this fruit you can tell it is a relative of the dragon fruit. It has a strong but colorful presence and is sure to grab your attention. Sadly I can’t find much interesting about it other than its native land is Mexico and that the fruit is the main reason that the cactus is cultivated.

Fruit Tier: S

December 29th, Day 590: Golden Barrel Cactus Fruit

Fruit Info: Today we have the Golden Barrel Cactus Fruit, which is a somewhat cumbersome way of referring to our new fruit of the day. It’s utility mostly is just the ‘fruit has seeds inside it that grow more plants.’ It is pretty unremarkable overall.

Fruit Tier: B

December 30th, Day 591: Pokeberry

Fruit Info: The pokeberry is an interesting type of berry that is highly poisonous. So poisonous that I would recommend not even feeding it to your poison thyme Pokémon. A single berry can be enough to require a person seek emergency medical attention or be at risk of such problems as respiratory paralysis. The specific variety we’re looking at today, Phytolacca americana, is dangerous like this to seemingly all mammals but is for some reason tolerable to birds.

Fruit Tier: A

December 31st, Day 592: African Soapberry

Fruit Info: The African Soapberry is, possibly, one of the most interesting fruits we have seen in a long time here. It has been cultivated for many years in Ethiopia and Eritrea, where it serves many purposes. The berries can be used as a type of soap or as a shampoo. While that alone is standout, it is also used as a poison for stun fish and for different types of snails. It also has the potential to possibly help control some types of diseases brought on by these snails. Crazy.

Fruit Tier: S

January 1st, Day 593: Bottle Gourd

Fruit Info: To help welcome in the new year we have the bottle gourd, an ancient Chinese symbol of health and longevity. This association comes from how some doctors used to carry their medicine in a hollowed out bottle gourd. The bottle gourd is also used as an instrument (several different kinds), utensils, headgear, and so much more. May you have a happy, healthy New Year, and may it be as impactful as the bottle gourd has been on history!

Fruit Tier: S

January 2nd, Day 594: Sea Almond

Fruit Info: Terminalia catappa, is a species of fruit bearing tree native to Asia, Australia, Madagascar and many pacific island. The fruit itself has very little information I could find on it other than it is edible and tastes acidic. I’m not sure acidic is a taste as much as it is a property of the food, but that’s what they said so we’re going with it.

Fruit Tier: D

January 3rd, Day 595: Indian Pokeweed

Fruit Info: This Pokeweed is native to the temperate regions of Asia, in places like Nepal and China. Phytolacca acinosa is also, according to Wikipedia, used to make things that I don’t know what they are. It also looks like fruits it’s related to shockingly. Amazing.

Fruit Tier: B
