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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

December 6th, Day 8 - mi profile picture

Floppa Tier: C
Big Floppa - Wikipedia
December 6th, Day 570: Amur Grape

Fruit Info: Today on fruit of the day, also called the lying foxy show, we have the Amur grape. Vitis amurensis, is a native to Asia, and was named after the Amur valley in Russia and China.They are often grown as either ornamental plants or to cross with other grapes to make wines and such things.

Fruit Tier: S

December 7th, Day 571: Lantern Fruit (Subnautica)

Fruit Info: These fruits are one of the few that can be found on Planet 4546B, fruit is hard to come by due to the planet consisting of more than 90% water. Despite that, the Lantern Fruit stands proud and can survive in these harsh conditions. It is currently unknown the long term effects of eating the fruit

Fruit Tier: D (not very colorful, not a fan)

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December 9th, Day 573: Pepper Vine

Fruit Info: Serving the purpose of being an ornamental plant in gardens mostly, the Nekemias arborea, is a wild kind of fruit that will grow dramatically unless strictly contained. It is native to the southeast United States where it kills many trees every year due to its rapid growth.

Fruit Tier: S

December 10th, Day 574: Ampelocissus latifolia

Fruit Info: Today we have a type of grape that is from a different genus than all the other grapes we’ve looked at so far. This one is native to the Indian subcontinent. Additionall, according to Wikipedia, it is the type species of it’s genus after it was moved there in 1884.

Fruit Tier: A

December 11th, Day 574: Amur Peppervine

Fruit Info: Easily confused with almost all of the other types of grapes out there, the Ampelopsis glandulosa is today’s fruit. The berries take an incredibly unusual blue color because of a “anthocyanidins-flavonols copigmentation phenomenon.” which is something that does a thing probably. It’s also native to temperate regions of Asia so yeah that’s about it.

Fruit Tier: A

December 12th, Day 575: Cissus antarctica

Fruit Info: Grown from the kangaroo vine, today’s fruit is a native to (incredibly unsurprisingly given it is called a kangaroo vine) Australia. It is often used as an ornamental plant in subtropical climates and does well indoors as long as you don’t expose it to too much central heating.

Fruit Tier: C

December 13th, Day 576: Pecha Berry (Pokemon)

Fruit Info: Because of its hollow inside pocket, there isn't a lot to eat. What can be eaten is very sweet and delicious. A tender fruit - handle with care.

Fruit Tier: B
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December 14th, Day 577: Ancient Fruit (Stardew Valley)

Fruit Info: The ancient fruit has a mesmerizing blue tint making it highly sought after by people. It takes 28days to grow if watered and will constantly yield further crops every 7 days after that.
It's common for farmers to turn this fruit into wine or jam to further their profits at market.

Fruit Tier: A
December 16th, Day 579: Maprico (Warframe)

Fruit Info:
This hardy fruit is thick-skinned to withstand harsh conditions, concealing a mouthful of sweet pulp within. Found on the Plains of Eidolon

Fruit Tier: E
(Probably not worth fighting the Grineer for)
December 18th, Day 581: Fruit and Vegetables (Elite Dangerous)

Fruit Info: Now this fruit is a bit of a weird one. We know that inside these crates you can find just wonderful and most unknown exotic fruits but nobody has actually ever opened these crates to look inside.
We don't actually even know the appearance of the crates that hold the fruits!

Fruit Tier: S (I love fruit loot boxes)