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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

November 27th, Day 561: Paleberry

Fruit Info: The Paleberry comes from one of my personal favorite games and most recent timesinks Satisfactory. The item can be found growing in the wild and has a weirdly unexpected sour taste for its sweet texture.
The Paleberry is the favorite fruit of the Lizzard Doggo, a friendly creature in harsh foreign terrain that will become your friend for life if fed.

Fruit tier: S for Satisfactory


rate this floppa

Floppa Tier: B for Breathtaking
November 28th, Day 562: Northern California Grape

Fruit Info: In a shocking twist of fate, the grape known as the Northern California Grape, California Wild Grape, And Vitis californica, is native to the northern part of California! Shocking! It’s actually native to almost all of California and souther Oregon though. The grapes are bitter but edible, they are often better served as jelly or wine.

Fruit Tier: C

November 29th, Day 563: Crimson Glory Vine

Fruit Info: Vitis coignetiae, is a type of grape that is native to the temperate regions of Asia like Far East Russia, Korea, and Japan. It is mainly used as an ornamental plant but the grapes can be made into a bitter wine.

Fruit Tier: A

December 2nd, Day 566: Mustang Grape

Fruit Info: Uncommonly known as Vitis mustangensis, today’s fruit is native to regions of the southern United States. It’s range includes parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. The fruit is generally pretty acidic and bitter so it is often uncomfortable to eat it raw. It does have a large set of culinary uses though.

Fruit Tier: A

December 3rd, Day 567: Muscadine

Fruit Info: The lowly muscadine berry, Vitis rotundifolia, is another type of grape vine native to the southeast and south-central parts of America. The muscadine is often used in the making of artisanal wines, jellies and jams. While in most varieties the fruit will change color as it matures, some muscadine will stay green their whole existence.

Fruit Tier: B

December 4th, Day 568: Vitis ficifolia

Fruit Info: “Vitis ficifolia is a species of liana in the grape family native to the Asian temperate climate zone. It is found in mainland China (Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Shandong and Shanxi provinces), Japan (prefectures of Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Ryukyu Islands), Taiwan and the Koreas.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: D

December 5th, Day 569: Vitis arizonica

Fruit Info: We got another grape this time, and it’s just as grape as you thought it would be. While the fruit is edible and can be used for wines and jams, it is mostly just consumed by the wildlife. It has found other utility though in helping breed varieties of grapes that are resistant to Pierce’s disease. So that’s kind of cool. (Btw does anyone else remember back when Foxy used to post fruits too? What a long time ago that was...)

Fruit Tier: A
