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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

October 26th, Day 529

Fruit: Granadilla

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Granadilla. It's got a weird orangey looking outside with an almost fish egg looking inside. It's related to the passion fruit, but is softer.

Fruit Tier: B

October 27th, Day 530

Fruit: White Sapote

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Sapote. It's like a weird avocado looking fruit and is rock hard before it ripens. It is known for causing drowsieness, and the seeds are not able to be eaten straight out of the fruit. It has a soft texture, and is slightly bitter.

Fruit Tier: A

October 28th, Day 531: White Mango

Fruit Info: Mangifera caesiaus a neat little fruit with some of the worst English I’ve ever seen on a Wikipedia article. It is widely cultivated in areas of Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and more. Apparently in some circumstances it can cause skin irritation too though, so that’s neat.

Fruit Tier: A

October 29th, Day 532

Fruit: Spanish Lime

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Spanish Lime, which looks a lot more like a weird lime but with a very odd egg interior? It's a very weird fruit and has a fleshy layer attached to it's seed. To eat it, you oddly have to suck on it.

Fruit Tier: W for Wacky

We’ve officially reached November! If you listen closely you can hear the iconic sleigh bells of ungodly amounts of Christmas advertising about to be unleashed upon this poor world...

November 1st, Day 536: Mangifera laurina

Fruit Info:Mangifera laurina is a species of flowering plant in the family Anacardiacea. It commonly known as mangga kopyor, mangga pari in Indonesian.” - The entire Wikipedia article.

Fruit Tier: F

November 2nd, Day 537

Fruit: Fruit of Good

Fruit Info:
Yes fruit of very good. Definitely not a filler because I be a busy bee.

Fruit Tier: Good

Last edited:
Have a real fruit for the day.

November 2nd, Day 537: Mangifera lalijiwa

Fruit Info:
Mangifera lalijiwa is a species of plant in the family Anacardiaceae It is native to Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. It is threatened by habitat loss.

Fruit Tier: A

November 3rd, Day 538: Mangifera altissima

Fruit Info: Commonly known as the Pahutan, today’s fruit is native to the Philippines and surrounding areas. Like most mangoes it is very sweet, but this one is notably more fibrous than its counterparts. The ripe fruit is eaten as is usually, or sometimes with rock salt, and the unripe fruits are sometimes used in salads according to Wikipedia.

Fruit Tier: C

November 4th, Day 539

Fruit: Kadsura Coccinea

Fruit Info:
Yes today we have the Kadsura Coccinea. It's a weird looking fruit with a hard outside that can be eaten raw or cooked. It's known for it's abundance of biological compounds and is a very cool little fruit. 10/10

Fruit Tier: A

November 5th, Day 540: Mangifera casturi

Fruit Info: “Mangifera casturi (also called Kalimantan mango or kasturi) is a species of plant in the family Anacardiaceae. It was endemic to the Kalimantan region of Borneo, but is now considered extinct in the wild.” - Wikipedia

Fruit Tier: D

November 6th, Day 541

Fruit: Fruit of Sleep

Fruit Info:
Yes fruit of very good. Definitely not a filler because I need sleep.

Fruit Tier: Good

November 7th, Day 542: Mangifera zeylancia

Fruit Info: Today we have the Sri Lanka wild mango, who is, incredibly shockingly, native to Sri Lanka. The yellow pulp of the fruit has a pleasantly sweet taste and is slightly acidic when unripe. It is not cultivated commercially, but it could be if desired.

Fruit Tier: S

November 8th, Day 543: Kwini

Fruit Info: Also known as Mangifera odorata, today’s fruit is in fact another mango. Cool. Good to know. Wonderful even.

Fruit Tier: B

November 9th, Day 544

Fruit: Garcinia Cambogia

Fruit Info:
Yes today we have a weird little guy for sure. It is almost pumpkin-like in shape, and is green in color. The fruit itself can be used to make teas and is a popular weight loss supplement.

Fruit Tier: B

November 10th, Day 545: Bambangan

Fruit Info: “Mangifera pajang is a species of tree in the family Anacardiaceae. It is endemic to Borneo, where it is known by the native name Bambangan.” - the entire Wikipedia article

Fruit Tier: B

November 12th, Day 547: Red Olive-Berry

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is native to Australia and grows in eucalyptus forests and other regions of Australia. The fruit is an orange-red colored drupe that is ripe from March to July.

Fruit Tier: C
