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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

September 22nd, Day 495

Fruit: Pacific Rose Apple

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Pacific Rose Apple, a variant of the regular apple we all know and love. It's one of the many breeds and is from New Zealand. It's often compared to the Fuji apple in taste, and is also described as tasting like cotton candy. Overall, solid apple in my books.

Fruit Tier: B; Solid Apple Though

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September 23rd, Day 496: Chinese Hickory Nut

Fruit Info: Produced by the Chinese Hickory, Carya Cathayensis, today’s fruit tastes lovely when roasted. Suggested methods for doing so include insulting it’s physical appearance, making hurtful comments about its taste in entertainment, and making “your mom” jokes.

Fruit Tier: B

September 23rd, Day 496: Chinese Hickory Nut

Fruit Info: Produced by the Chinese Hickory, Carya Cathayensis, today’s fruit tastes lovely when roasted. Suggested methods for doing so include insulting it’s physical appearance, making hurtful comments about its taste in entertainment, and making “your mom” jokes.

Fruit Tier: B

View attachment 3227
it's made in china, yet the tier is not F? bias...
September 24th, Day 497

Fruit: Pleasant Persimmon

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Pleasant Persimmon, a weird tomato-pepper looking fruit that comes from again, China. It's orange in color, and is popular in Japan. They've also begun to make their way to the US, and have been a Japanese export for over 150 years, and are used to make a variety of things, including jams.

Fruit Tier: A

September 25th, Day 498: Black Hickory Nut

Fruit Info: You can find today’s fruit primarily in the southern Great Plains area and the Lower Mississippi Valley regions. Carya texana also can be found in the southwest corner of Indiana where it is endangered. Black hickory is also a 64-chromosome species that readily hybridizes with tetraploid C. tomentosa.

Fruit Tier: C

September 26th, Day 499

Fruit: Loquat

Fruit Info: Today we've got our 499th fruit, the Loquat. It's a weird pear looking thing that grows sort of like a Banana. It's been grown in Japan for over 1000 years, and is originally native to south-central China. Overall, weird looking but very solid fruit!

Fruit Tier: S


The Big 5 Double "O"!

Today is a really big day for fruit kind. We have made it! 25% of the way through... ish. Today I was going to do some epic gaming video of some absolutely incredible displays of fruits, however I found something much scarier.

September 27th, Day 500

Fruit: @Sparky___ Fruit

Fruit Info: Today we've got our 500th fruit! The Sparky Fruit. It is a weird little thing that grows all over the ground, but has started over on Garama first! (I hear this is Sparky's least favorite continent). Although for the time being this is just limited to grass, I fear it will spread even further! We must do everything to stop this hostile takeover of LokaMC! Silly silly Elder Sparky, you are going down.

If you would like to play with the pack, you can find it here.

Fruit Tier:
F this is Terrible, @Cryptite & @Magpieman Need to Take IMMEDIATE ACTION.

September 28th, Day 501: Pignut Hickory

Fruit Info: Carya glabra is a “common but not abundant” variety of hickory nut, and today’s fruit of the day. Other names include pignut, sweet pignut, coast pignut hickory, smoothbark hickory, swamp hickory, and broom hickory. The nuts are a valuable source of nutrition for some animals. For certain types of squirrels this represents 10-25% of their diet.

Fruit Tier: B

September 29th, Day 502

Fruit: Green Plum

Fruit Info: Today we've got the green plum, which is a pretty uneventful fruit all things considered. It's pretty much just a plum that is picked before it's fully ripe, and is similar to green apples and tomatoes. Other than that, it's green, oh, and did I tell you, it's green!

Fruit Tier: B

October 1st, Day 504

Fruit: Bumpkin!

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the pumpkin! It's an absolutely incredible little guy and is a very popular Spooky Season fruit! Happy Spooky Season to all!

Fruit Tier: S

October 2nd, Day 505: Bitternut Hickory

Fruit Info: The Bitternut Hickory, also known as the swamp hickory, is the shortest lived species of hickory, with a lifespan of around 200 years. Now Carya cordiformis is useful for both furniture lumber and in wood for smoking meats, but there don’t seem to be many uses for the fruit itself. I suppose maybe that’s because of the whole “bitter”nut thing.

Fruit Tier: B

October 2nd, Day 506

Fruit: Tamarillo

Fruit Info:
Today we're covering the Tamarillo, which is a fruit somewhere between a pepper and a cherry. It's a lil guy, but is certainly still a cool fruit. It's got a bit of a bitter taste, and is native to South America.

Fruit Tier: S

October 4th, Day 507: Shagbark hickory

Fruit Info: Carya ovata, known otherwise as the shagbark hickory, is named as such because of its shaggy bark. A characteristic only found in adult specimens. The fruit itself is a lovely little drupe, that gives you nice edible little nuts. According to Wikipedia “The nuts are edible with an excellent flavor, and are a popular food among people and squirrels alike.”, which basically tells you everything you need to know about it.

Fruit Tier: S

October 5th, Day 508: Shellbark Hickory Nut

Fruit Info: From the plant Carya laciniosa, the shellbark hickory nut is a nut that comes from a hickory plant. Wow so incredible. The seeds in the nut are edible and supposedly the largest ones taste surprisingly sweet.

Fruit Tier: D

October 6th, Day 509: Sweet Pignut Hickory

Fruit Info: Like all other nuts that come from hickory trees, today’s is a small brown-ish nut that grows in groups of 2-3. This one has a notably thin shell though

Fruit Tier: B
