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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

Day two of Pac Posts Hazelnuts let’s go!

September 5th, Day 478: Beaked Hazelnut

Fruit Info: Today we have Corylus cornuta, the Beaked Hazelnut, and it comes in two distinct subspecies. The first subspecies is the eastern beaked hazelnut, which is found from southern Canada down to Georgia. The western brakes hazelnut on the other hand, is found from Alaska to California. The primary difference between these subspecies is the size of the beak on the fruit. Now you may also be wondering “what beak?”, and that’s a reasonable question. The “beak” is a tubular extension of the husk that encases the fruit. This extension resembles a beak, thus giving the fruit its name. And as one last note, apparently the western hazelnut is the sole source of food for the hazel weevil, so that’s kind of neat

Fruit Tier: B

almost 1/4 of the way there
Haha yeah... Sometime in 2025 we'll finish I think... I will be LONG GONE.

September 6th, Day 479

Fruit: Filbert

Fruit Info: The Filbert (Corylus Maxima) is another type of hazelnut in the birch family, and is native to places in the near and around the middle-east. It's very similar to the normal hazelnut, and the plant itself can grow up to 33 feet tall! Overall, another solid hazelnut.

Fruit Tier: A

September 7th, Day 480: Himalayan Hazelnut

Fruit Info: Corylus ferox, derives it’s common name from the incredibly shocking and incredibly unexpected fact that they are native to the Himalayas. Otherwise there is really nothing else interesting to say about this fruit or the plant that grows it.

Fruit Tier: D

September 8th, Day 481

Fruit: Chinese Pear

Fruit Info: The Chinese Pear is a pear, which you guessed it, comes from China. Although it is a pear, it looks a lot more like an apple more than anything, however still has a pearish color. They're also very good for you, and are a high source of dietary fibers.

Fruit Tier: A

September 9th, Day 482: Turkish Filbert

Fruit Info: Today we have an award winning fruit! Corylus colurna, the Turkish hazel, is a winner of The Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. Apparently that is a thing. But besides that this fruit is native to Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia, around the Balkans, Turkey, and Iran. The fruit itself has a very thick and tough shell. Combine this fact with the nut being smaller than the regular hazelnut and you’ll find that this fruit has no commercial value. Poor guy.

Fruit Tier: F honestly that award gives it more claim to legitimacy than most, but that’s just the plant. Thus I take the completely oppositional stance for the fruit to balance the universe.

September 10th, Day 483

Fruit: Chinese Plum

Fruit Info: Keeping in the theme of the Chinese fruits, today we have the Chinese Plum. It is native to China and is also known as the Japanese Plum. It's sort of like a Lemon in color and in shape. It tastes something like an under-ripe apricot and is also sour.

Fruit Tier: C

September 11th, Day 484: European Hop-Hornbeam

Fruit Info: Ostrya carpinfolia, is a European native fruit that is closely related the the hazels. Apparently it is used by some Lepidoptera species as food. And uh, well, there’s not much else going for it. So yeah.

Fruit Tier: F

September 12th, Day 485

Fruit: Japanese Hophornbeam

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Japanese Hpphornbeam, which is yesterday's fruit's brother. The tree itself can grow up to 25 meters high, and look like any old tree. Not much else to say as there isn't much info about this guy though.

Fruit Tier: A

September 13th, Day 486: American Hophornbeam

Fruit Info: Apparently the actual plant is useful for wood for things like tool handles and wooden long bows. But the actual fruit itself? Not much good going on there. Kind of a lame fruit. Ostrya virginiana? More like Ostrya lame-iana.

Fruit Tier: D

September 14th, Day 487: Common Alder

Fruit Info: Common Alder, Black Alder, European Alder, European Black Alder, Alnus glutinosa, or even just simply Alder are some of the many names referring to today’s fruit. The common alder is native to almost the entirety of Europe with only the extreme north and extreme south not proving inhabitable for the plant. The fruit itself seems to have little to no use outside of reproduction and some animal foods, but the plant itself is useful for timber, dye, growing on riverbanks to stabilize them and more.

Fruit Tier: S despite the shortcomings of his cousins/previous fruits of the day

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September 15th, Day 488

Fruit: Luscious Lychee

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Luscious Lychee, a fruit native to China (keeping with my little theme here). It's got to honestly be one of the most odd looking fruits I've seen yet, however is quite cool. They're small and juicy little egg-shaped fruits, with a almost strawberry-like outside, except with little spikes. They're also very good for you, and have a lot of vitamin C packed inside. Overall, epic fruit.

Fruit Tier: S

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September 16th, Day 488: East Asian Alder

Fruit Info: The entire Wikipedia article is as follows: “Alnus japonica, known as East Asian alder, is a species of Alnus from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, eastern China, and Russia.” So yeah with so little to say I guess we can move onto tiers.

Fruit Tier: S knows how to keep things brief.
September 17th, Day 489: White Alder

Fruit Info: Alnus rhombifolia, is an aggressively ordinary plant native to the western side of North America, from basically the south part of California and some regions of Nevada up through Washington and Montana. According to Wikipedia some plateau Indians used the plant for “female health treatment needs” so that’s a thing I guess.

Fruit Tier: C

September 18th, Day 491

Fruit: Yumberry

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Yumberry, again another Chinese fruit. It looks sort of like one of those crystal candies, combined with a Raspberry. It's got 6 calories per berry, and was put into writing in 1790 by a Portuguese missionary who traveled to India and Vietnam. Before his writing, it had been culvitated by the Han Dynasty nearly 2000 years ago and was used as a food.

Fruit Tier: Y for Yum

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September 19th, Day 491: Alnus subcordata

Fruit Info: The Caucasian Alder is our new fruit of the day, native to the Hyrcanian Mountains of Iran and the Caucasus. The fruit is a woody, cone like body that contains numerous small,winged seeds. The plant is also valuable for timber and furniture industries. Lastly, Wikipedia makes an interesting claim that has no citation to back it up but it is so wonderfully specific that I have to include it anyways. The wood apparently has a caloric value of 4.6 calories per gram.

Fruit Tier: S

September 20th, Day 493

Fruit: Lovely Longan

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Lovely Longan, a very odd fruit again of Asian origin. It's got a citrus-esque inside, nut core, and potato looking outside. It's got to be one of the most odd fruits yet, however is pretty cool. It has a very odd and sweet flavor, and is slightly tart. It can be used in beauty products, extracts, and foods, giving it a wide variety of uses, although it is still quite obscure.

Fruit Tier: L for What Even Is This Thing!?

September 21st, Day 494: Alnus sieboldiana

Fruit Info: There are no fruits appropriate for the 21st night of September and honestly it’s one of the most disappointing facts I’ve learned today. So instead you get this fruit. It’s another kind of alder, it’s native to Japan and definitely is made of some organic chemicals according to it’s Wikipedia article. Neat I guess.

Fruit Tier: E
