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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

August 25th, Day 467

Fruit: Q Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Q pear. I uh.... There is no pear that starts with Q.

dear god they're going to crucify me for this one...

Fruit Tier: Q for Questioning it's Existence

August 26th, Day 468: Rocha Pear

Fruit Info: With a name that is literally Portuguese for ‘Rock’ pear, the Rocha pear is native to (surprise surprise) Portugal. The earliest accounts of this pear’s existence are traced back to 1836.

Fruit Tier: C pretty aggressively average for a pear.
August 27th, Day 469

Fruit: Seckel Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have the Seckel Pear, which is in fact a very REAL FRUIT. It sort of looks like an apple, combined with a pear in terms of it's color, however still resembles a pear when you look at just it's shape. It is believed to have originated in Pennsylvania. It is believed by some that German settlers had brought some pears and either dropped seeds, or fruits themselves on the ground, which caused them to being to populate the area.

Fruit Tier: A for Being A Solid REAL Pear.

August 28th, Day 470: Taylor’s Gold Pear

Fruit Info: Originally believed to have begun existence as a mutated variety of the pear Doyenné duComice, the Taylor’s Gold Pear is now thought to be a natural cross between the Bosc Pear and Comice Pear. The first one found was in an orchard belonging to Michael King-Turner near Nelson, New Zealand.

Fruit Tier: D

August 29th, Day 471: Unknown Pear

Fruit Info: Yeah so like the same issue we had with Q is now happening here, so today we have the unknown pear... It honors all pears that we do not know about!

Fruit Tier: F I am so sorry guys this is terrible :mad:

August 30th, Day 472: Vacant Pear

Fruit Info:
No meme fruits they said.... Post the fruit for me today Pac said..... No meme fruits..... No meme fruits...... So year there's no pears starting with V....

Fruit Tier: V for Vacant

August 31st, Day 473

Fruit: Winter Nelis

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the Winter Nellis, which is a dessert Pear from Belgium. It's almost got an Avocado-ish texture, and originates back from the 1800s.

Fruit Tier: W for Taking the W

September 1st, Day 474

Fruit: X-Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the X-Pear, the pear of the future! It's from a world where all of technology converges together into a massive matrix-like simulation, where all things have become based in coding and programming.

Sorry for no real fruit, again the X has no pears to go along with it D:

Fruit Tier: S

September 2nd, Day 475

Fruit: Zeke Apple

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Zeke Apple, which is everyone's favorite young prodigy of Loka Minecraft! Please wish our friend happy birthday!

Y does not exist.

Fruit Tier: Z

Apparently we haven’t even done any hazelnuts yet, so I guess we’re gonna fix that.

September 3rd, Day 476: Common Hazelnut

Fruit Info: So uh, there’s a lot I could say about this, but I’ll just cut to the chase. Nutella
. A3295A44-B12B-40F6-AFE3-FCD9823862B8.jpeg
But this fruit is also a fruit not a nut. It is native to Europe and Western Asia. Corylus avellana is also primarily gown for the fruits to make food out of, although one ornamental varieties do exist.

Fruit Tier: S

Oh whats that? We forgot a pear? I didn't think this one was even remotely important!!! AAAAAA

September 4th, Day 477

Fruit: @DeceitfulPear

Fruit Info: Today we've got the Deceitful Pear, a really special type of Pear native to the world of Char on Loka! He's a very very solid pear, and is also one of the most powerful beings of the realm.

Fruit Tier: S


He do be looking pretty wicked tho