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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

August 2nd, Day 443: Spiny Gourd

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the spiny gourd, which is another type of gourd with small green fruits that have small spikey formations on the outer part.

Fruit Tier: S for Spiny

August 3rd, Day 444: Karaka

Fruit Info: Corynocarpus laevigatus, is the binomial name for today’s fruit. The name comes from tha Maori Karaka, meaning orange, the fruit’s color. The pulp of the ripe fruit is safe to eat and sweet tasting, but the kernels of the fruit are not so much. Supposedly the Maori people had a way of extensively processing the kernels where they could be safely edible, but any mistake left them poisonous. The end result of this poison being violent convulsions and muscle spasms that leave limbs permanently fixed in contorted positions, or death which sounds like a mercy compared to that other one. The berries are also poisonous to dogs so don’t feed them those.

Fruit Tier: S

August 3rd, Day 445: Glenugie Karaka

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the glenugie karaka, which is in the same Genus as yesterday's fruit. It's native to Australia, and is a small shrub type of plant.

Fruit Tier: B

August 5th, Day 446: American Bittersweet

Fruit Info: The bittersweet, is the name for both this fruit and the plant (Celastrus scandens) that grows it. The yellow or orange fruits are toxic to humans but are a favorite food of many different kinds of birds. The root of the plant is also toxic to ingest, and was used by Native Americans and pioneers alike to induce vomiting when necessary.

Fruit Tier: D

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August 6th, Day 447: Black Oil Plant

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the Black Oil Plant, which is a small shrub native to India which grows at incredibly high altitudes of 1800 meters (5900 feet)! Although information is a bit hard to find, it appears it does have a fruit in the form of a seed like enclosure.

Fruit Tier: D

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August 8th, Day 449: Rhoicissus Tomentosa

Fruit Info:
Rhoicissus tomentosa is a grape looking fruit that's got an interesting inside with largeish seeds. Not much else to say on it really though :maggers:

Fruit Tier: E

August 9th, Day 450: Thanut_

Fruit Info: The edgenut, also known as the sentrynut, and edgewind palm, is a rather unique specimen to be found. It is very particular about where it grows. In fact it can be so particular that it will change its environment in beautiful ways to better suit its interests. Unfortunately it is never able to actually decide on a final vision so it continually wastes resources redoing its changes. It is closely related to the evil_xapple even if they don’t appear to be at first glance. A rather interesting story about this fruit is that scientists have struggled to categorize it properly, resulting in it continually being bounced between the genera guardiana and mallcopiula.

Fruit Tier: F pretty ehhh, got nothing on sand

August 10th, Day 451: AuthenticPear

Fruit Info:
The Authentic Pear is quite a specimen, being known for it's extremely authentic taste, and oil painting look. It can be found on all continents of Loka but Garama, and is desired heavily by many, moreso than most other types of pears.

Fruit Tier: S

August 11th, Day 452: Birchleaf Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have the birchleaf pear, Pyrus betulifolia, which is native to the northern and central regions of China. There it is known as the Tang li. It’s fruits are used in various Chinese red wines

Fruit Tier: B

August 12th, Day 453: Catastrophic Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the catastrophic pear, which is known for it's incredibly large teeth and ability to infect the entire world and make it into a pear. It has two forms, the world eating form, and the world eaten form.

Fruit Tier: C


This thread is the greatest mix of “wow this is so cool” and “who gave the mental asylum patients a computer”

They don’t know we have it shhhhh...

August 13th, Day 454: European Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have the European Pear, otherwise known as the common pear. And tbh it’s name kinda says it all. It’s one of the most common varieties of pear out there and it’s from Europe. Wow so creative.

Fruit Tier: E
