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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

he missed 3 days before
We haven’t missed a day as far as I know. We’ve had some instances of having the wrong date or a repeated date on the post but never a day without a fruit. So I’m curious what instances you’ve seen that I didn’t catch.

what happens if you miss a day of posting fruits, do you have to post 2 fruits or does this end?
Effectively one of two situations:
The thread will be restarted from a day 1 count and we’ll post more fruits.
Or secondly, the thread will just end because oh well we blew it.
July 18th, Day 428: European Gooseberry

Fruit Info:
The European Gooseberry is another berry in the family of the gooseberry. We've covered this family 3 times before, so why not again! It's a small grape-ish looking fruit that is green in color, and slightly see through. It is native to Europe, the Caucasus, and Northern Africa.

Fruit Tier: E for European

July 19th, Day 429: Momordica dioica

Fruit Info: Also known as the spiny gourd, spine gourd, bristly balsam pear, prickly carolaho, teasle gourd, or kantola, today’s fruit is known for having a lot names. It is used as a culinary vegetable in India and some regions of South Asia,where it is usually eaten with meat.

Fruit Tier: C

July 20th, Day 430: Gấc

Fruit Info: Momordica cochinchinensis, is our fruit today and is native to Southeast Asian countries and northeastern Australia. As the fruits mature they go from green to yellow to orange and finally to red when fully ripened. Gấc is used frequently in its native countries as both food and a traditional medicine. For medicine it serves a variety of internal and topical purposes.

Fruit Tier:

July 21th, Day 431: Vaccinium Ovatum (Evergreen Huckleberry)

Fruit Info:
Today we've got the evergreen huckleberry, which is a type of huckleberry found in California. They are sweet, edible berries that are high in nutrition and are black in color.

Fruit Tier: B for Berry

July 22nd, Day 432: Wild Melon

Fruit Info:
Lagenaria sphaerica is found in lowland areas from the eastern cape of South Africa up through east Africa. As a neat little tidbit, only the male flowers produce nectar, which is a lovely food source for the Eastern Olive Sunbird. The fruit is also only distantly related to the watermelon.

Fruit Tier: E

July 23rd, Day 433: Calabash

Fruit Info: Lagenaria siceraria, or the Calabash is a fruit of the same Genus as yesterday's fruit (The wild melon). It's got an interesting double sphere shape to it, and is Lime green in color. In ancient times they were used not as food, but as containers and have been found everywhere from China to Africa, and in Europe as well.

Fruit Tier: G for Gourd

July 24th, Day 434: Angled Luffa

Fruit Info: Luffa acutangula is an interesting fruit that strongly resembles the cucumber. Unlike most fruits which are harvested for food when mature, the silk gourd is harvested when young. That being said the mature fruit still has a use, the fibers can be stripped from it to create a material useful as a sponge or to weave a hat out of. (Yes you read that correct)

Fruit Tier: S

July 25th, Day 435: Sponge Gourd

Fruit Info:
Luffa Aegyptiaca is another fruit in the genus luffa and is similar to the Angled Luffa of yesterday from Pac. It closely resembles a cucumber and was cultivated in Egypt, giving Europeans access to the fruit. In 1638 is was discovered by Johann Veslingius and is commonly grown in tropical Asia.

Fruit Tier: S for Spongey

July 26th, Day 436: Sponge Cucumber

Fruit Info: Luffa operculata is, I believe, the third and final species of the genus Luffa. This fruit is also known by the name wild loofa which is one of the best things I’ve come across for this thread. It is heavily fibrous like it’s relatives and so the mature fruit is used as a strong fiber cleaning sponge. The fruit also at maturity pops open a little “lid” on the bottom of it that disperses it’s seeds. This fruit is wack.

Fruit Tier: S making this our only complete genus of S rank fruits so far.

July 27th, Day 437: Lagenaria Abyssinica

Fruit Info:
Lagenaria Abyssinica is another fruit in the same genus as the wild melon and calabash. It's a species of squash plant and is a climbing vine and can be found from Africa, all the way to Asia. Not too much else going for it, so yer.

Fruit Tier: A for Abyss

July 28th, Day 438: Bryonia dioica

Fruit Info: The Red Bryony is a climbing vine indigenous to central and Southern Europe that produces a red berry. This fruit (and entire plant) is quite toxic to humans. Brushing the juice on your skin is enough to cause inflammation with a rash or ulcers. Consuming the juice in small doses causes gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, and vomiting. Consuming more of the juice can cause anxiety problems, paralysis, or even just death. Supposedly the seed of the plant is safe to consume but tbh I strongly advise against even trying.

Fruit Tier: A

July 29th, Day 439: Bryonia dioica

Fruit Info: Today we've got the white bryony, which, despite it's name, is black in color. It's another member of the cucumber family, and is very destructive if grown outside of it's native habitat. For this reason, it is classified as an invasive weed.

Fruit Tier: A

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July 30th, Day 440: Native Bryony

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is supposedly a rich source of medicinal drugs. The vine grows in thickets, monsoon forests, lowland and upland disturbed areas, and mountain rainforests. It is also commonly known as the striped cucumber for reasons that make very little sense.

Fruit Tier: E

July 31st, Day 441: Creeping Cucumber

Fruit Info:
Today’s fruit is the creeping cucumber, which is a type of cucumber prominent in the southeastern regions of the US. It can potentially become a weed, however also produces a fruit. It has small yellow flowers, and I was unable to find why it is creeping, although if I had to guess it probably is in reference to it creeping out of the ground like a weed.

Fruit Tier: C for Creepy

August 1st, Day 442: Caetano Melon

Fruit Info: Have the entire Wikipedia article again: “Cayaponia espelina, also known as the São Caetano melon, is a plant native to Brazil It is a diuretic and aid in the treatment of diarrhea and syphilis. The fruits are occasionally eaten by the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus ).”

Fruit Tier: D
