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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

August 14th, Day 455: Foxo Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Foxo Pear- also known as the....


Not much else to say.

Fruit Tier: F

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August 15th, Day 456: Gorham Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have the Gorham Pear, it is a cross between the Josephine de Malines pear and the Williams pear. It is a type of pear predominately grown in America but it originated in Europe. It clearly betrayed it's home land to become one with the right side. Good choice pear, good choice...

Fruit Tier: A true American

August 16th, Day 458

Fruit: Hallowed Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the hallowed pear, known for it's immense holiness among the holy fruits of this world.

Fruit Tier: H for Hallowed

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August 17th, Day 459: Isolda Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have the Isolda Pear and, sheeeeeesh... the info on this bad boy is about as rare as it gets. I got nothing other than it definitely exists.

Fruit Tier: F for (possibly) fictional

August 18th, Day 460: Joséphine de Malines Pear

Fruit Info: The Joséphine de Malines pear originated in Belgium in the late 19th century. The fruit is a late-ripening winter pear. The fruit is known for its goo and consistent taste.

Fruit Tier: c

August 19th, Day 461

Fruit: Kindly Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Kindly Pear, known for it's immense kindness in this world.

Fruit Tier: K for Hallowed

August 20th, Day 462: Le Conte Pear

Fruit Info: The flesh of today’s pear resembles that of an Asian pear. The fruit is edible both uncooked and cooked which is no surprise, thank you Wikipedia. The fruit is named after John Eatton Le Conte who introduced the fruit to Georgia in 1856.

Fruit Tier: S

August 21st, Day 463

Fruit: Moonglow Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Moonglow Pear, which was originally made to be a fruit resistant to fireblight (a disease in pears and the like). It's originally from Europe, and ate sweet in flavor.

Fruit Tier: M for Moon

August 22nd, Day 464: Nashi Pear

Fruit Info: With other names such as the Asian pear, Chinese pear, Japanese pear, Korean pear, and Taiwanese pear, I bet you can’t guess what region of the world this fruit is from. This fruit, despite being a pear, is not usually baked into pies or made into jams like other pears. This is due to the unusually high water content of the fruit combined with its crisp and grainy texture (very different from European pears). Pyrus pyrifolia is also relatively large and expensive, meaning it is usually either given as a gift or eaten as group. When eaten it is usually simply peeled and eaten like that.

Fruit Tier: A

August 23rd, Day 465

Fruit: Orient Pear

Fruit Info:
Today we have the Orient Pear, which is a cross between an Asian pear and a European Pear. It looks like any ol' pear that you might find on the street. It's quite popular due to it's resistance against disease and it's quick grow time. The tree itself can even grow up to 20 feet tall!

Fruit Tier: A

August 24th, Day 466: Parsonage Pear

Fruit Info: Today we have yet another pear. This time it is native to New Rochelle, New York in the United States. Why this area? Because it was originally gown in the parsonage of Reverend Doctor R. U. Morgan of the Trinity Episcopal Church there.

Fruit Tier: C
