Fruit Info: Look at that, it’s another fruit wow. This one is native to regions of South America where the tree is used for a bonsai and the fruit serves little non-biological function. Nevertheless Phytolacca dioica is a valid fruit like any other.
Fruit Info: The delectable bouquet is a type of fruit native to the tropical wilds and to the twilight river. It is juicy enough to produce 1.5 juice bottles.
Fruit Info: Next up is the juicy gaggle, a delicious and nutritious staple of the tropical wilds and twilight river. These fruits individually provide one half of a bottle of juice, which is a pretty good return on investment given that they have a weight of one.
Fruit Info: One of the most unsung heroes of the world of fruits, today’s fruit of the day is perhaps one of the most valuable. While the Cucumbat doesn’t always provide the most interesting of flavors, it has an extremely consistent high quality flavor. Cucuman bativus, is a type of creeping vine usually found within dark cities with unusually large amounts of rain. Finally, it was believed for a long time that the Cucumbat only came in its typical purple variety, nevertheless a much much older variety has been discovered that has more orange/gold color to it. A phenomenal discovery to be sure!
Fruit Info: This fruit is part of a group of fruits unrelated genetically that I have less than scientifically named the exploder bois, because they are the fruits that in some fashion burst open upon ripening. This one the rind bursts open revealing a bunch of seeds in a “brilliant scarlet, extremely sticky coating” according to Wikipedia. Which is an oddly eloquent way of putting it for Wikipedia. The fruit is also so supposedly poisonous but it’s possible some people have eaten it with no ill side effects. These reports are unconfirmed though so just like, don’t eat it.
Fruit Info: This lovely fruit is a native to southwestern Asia and the Iberian Peninsula. Morus nigra, is often confused with other types of mulberry and even for regular blackberries at times. It is beloved to have originated in mountainous regions of Mesopotamia and Persia, and due to this it has been harvested for food and medicine since ancient times.
Fruit Info: Today we have the white mulberry, Morus alba. They are these nice little berries that are edible when ripe. I have been unable to find many uses for the berries themselves but the plant that grows them is cool. It is significant for its stamens in pollination. The stamens act as catapults that release the pollen from the catkins using stored elastic energy. This release occurs at 380 mph (610 km/h), about half the speed of sound! It is the fastest naturally moving plant known in existence.
Fruit Info: Today we have another kind of mulberry, this one without a name other than its genus-species name. It is often grown for medicinal purposes; it has been shown that Morus indica is able to reduce blood glucose levels in people. It also is rich in antioxidants.
Fruit Info: If you’re looking to heal paralysis, this is the way to go. In Pokémon at least. The Cheri berry also produces spicy poffins and results in a fire type attack when used with natural gift.
Fruit Info: The fruit from the bamboo plant Melocanna baccifera, this one is honestly something I never considered existing. Apparently this bamboo flowers once every 40-50 years which makes seeing its fruit an extremely rare occurrence.
Fruit Info: This fruit has a horrible taste and you should never eat it, although it is a great treat for many of Loka's grinders who enjoy using it to get new grinding materials!
Fruit Info: Today we have the Mythical Koi Fruit. It's an absolutely amazing little fella and is known for it's dedication to the development team of LokaMC and being an overall great guy. Solid A+! @koi0001
Fruit Info: When unripe the fruits from Solanum abutiloides is mildly toxic, much like the regular sized tamarillo. The ripe plant is edible, but because the species has not been bred for consumption, today’s fruit often has an unpleasant or at least unpredictable flavor. It is grown for ornamental purposes though, because the clusters of berries look quite nice.
Fruit Info: This is a new one I’m not gonna lie. Solanum atropurpureum is the fruit also known as malevolence, and the purple devil. Apparently it is called this for a few reasons all of which suggest that it is evil. 1) it is covered in lots of big thorns. 2) it has a lot of very strong toxin contained in the fruit, leaves, stem, and every other part of the plant. 3) it carries the Potato Virus X
Fruit Tier: S this is way different and I respect it.
Fruit Info:Solanum capsicoides is another tomato relative, this one native to Brazil. It is, however, naturalized to other tropical regions around the world, such as Polynesia, where it is considered an invasive weed.