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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

July 10th, Day 786: Babaco

Fruit Info: Today we have the Babaco, also known as Carica pentagona. This fruit requires a cool subtropical climate to grow, which is a notable departure from its close relative the papaya. It’s taste is supposed to resemble papaya, kiwi, strawberry and pineapple. This flavor means it is mostly harvested for eating, but if you go to eat one just be warned it has a type of enzyme that makes it act somewhat like it’s acidic even though it has no acid.

Fruit Tier: S

July 11th, Day 787: Heroines Tear

Fruit Info: Native to planet PNF-404, this fruit was originally found in the stomach of the Vehemoth Phosbat. This fruit has been described as tasting sweet in an elegant sort of way and is capable of producing 2.5 jars of yellow juice.

Fruit Tier: B

July 12th, Day 788: Wayward Moon

Fruit Info: Today we have the Wayward Moon, another fruit native to planet PNF-404. This fruit is supposedly has a sweet yet refined flavor. It is capable of producing 3 juice bottles by itself and weighs 20 pikmin lifting strengths.

Fruit Tier: A

July 14th, Day 790: Corkwood

Fruit Info: Today we have the fruit Duboisia myoporoides, a kind of berries that, when mature, are lovely black and purple colors. While the plant the berries come from contains pharmaceutically useful alkaloids, those same alkaloids render the entire plant inedible (including the berries).

Fruit Tier: C

July 15th, Day 791: Chople Berry

Fruit Info: For our latest fruit of the day we have the Chople Berry. Originally discovered in the Sinnoh region, this berry has a bitter and spicy flavor when cooked. It can also halve the damage of super effective fighting type moves when consumed.

Fruit Tier: B

July 16th, Day 792: Aechmea castelnavii

Fruit Info: For our newest fruit of the day we have the fruit of Aechmea castelnavii. This fruit is a relative of the pineapple, specifically they are in the same subfamily. This fruit is native to Costa Rica and northern South America such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Brazil.

Fruit Tier: D

July 17th, Day 793: Aechmea augustifolia

Fruit Info: Inside the same subfamily as the pineapple, you can find this fruit of the day. Aechmea augustifolia is also a native to South America and Central America. This fruit, and it’s plant that grows it, are mainly grown for aesthetic purposes.

Fruit Tier: C

July 22nd, Day 798: Coralberry

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is Aechmea fulgens, the coralberry. This fruit is a native to Brazil. This fruit’s parent plant is often grown for ornamental reasons more than anything else.

Fruit Tier: D

July 24th, Day 800: Marioistangerine

Fruit Info: Our 800th fruit of the day is the Marioistangerine, scientifically referred to as Mardo gaming. This fruit is native to Garama and Kalros but has been introduced to Ascalon as well. This fruit is mainly grown for ornamental purposes, but it has found culinary use in more recent years for its complex flavor.

Fruit Tier: C
