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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

July 27th, Day 803: Starf Berry

Fruit Info: Today we have a rather unappealingly named berry from the Hoenn region. Any given starf berry plant will yield about 1 to 2 berries per harvest. This berry’s sweet yet spicy salvor pairs well when blended with the Lansat berry. This combination has been dubbed “rate soda”.

Fruit Tier: A

July 28th, Day 804: Bearberry

Fruit Info: Traditionally the bearberry.has been used, along with the leaves from its plant as food for the Blackfeet nation. This already makes it one of the most useful fruits we’ve had to date. That being said, the fruit is rather plane without being cooked, but it tastes better put in jam. This still makes Arctistaphylos uva-ursi one of our most interesting fruits though, which is a little sad.

Fruit Tier: S

how do u keep track of the fruits @Pac_Man_
It’s like was said above, I have a giant list right here. Also, notice that I am very careful to always add the genus-species name of the fruit/plant it comes from (when applicable). This serves as a super convenient unique identifier to check for it already being posted, because there are at times dozens of fruit all called the same common name.

July 29th, Day 802:

Fruit Info:
Today’s fruit is a very typical but still kind of neat drupe type of fruit. Arctostaphylos catalinae is a native to the Santa Catalina Island which is just a part of the Channel Islands. This is where it leads a very boring existence. That’s also probably where it gets its species name but that’s way less important than the mundanity of its everyday life.

Fruit Tier: D

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July 30th, Day 803: Bigberry Manzanita

Fruit Info: We’ll kick off our fruit of the day post today with Arctostaphylos glauca. This charming little fruit is native to Baja California where it plays an alright roll in the local industry. This fruit also has a constipating effect which sounds quite unpleasant to deal with, but so be it.

Fruit Tier: C

July 31st, Day 804: Hooker’s Manzanita

Fruit Info: For our latest and greatest fruit of the day we have the Hooker’s Manzanita, Arctostaphylos hookeri. This fruit is a drupe that is native to California (from the San Francisco Bay Area to the central coast. This fruit also comes in two officially recognized subspecies.

Fruit Tier: B

where is the camel fruit
That’s a good question…

August 1st, Day 805: Camel Camel Fruit

Fruit Info: For our fruit if the day today we have the camel camel fruit. Also commonly known as Kyameru Khameru no Mi, this is Zoan type of Devil Fruit. It grants the user the ability to transform into a camel human hybrid or even just a camel.

Fruit Tier: S

That’s a good question…

August 1st, Day 805: Camel Camel Fruit

Fruit Info: For our fruit if the day today we have the camel camel fruit. Also commonly known as Kyameru Khameru no Mi, this is Zoan type of Devil Fruit. It grants the user the ability to transform into a camel human hybrid or even just a camel.

Fruit Tier: S

View attachment 5126
August 2nd, Day 806: Island Manzanita

Fruit Info: Our fruit of the day today is, while green in the picture because it isn’t ripe yet, an orange/brownish color when mature. It is native to Santa Cruz Island in California. Arctostaphylos insularis is specifically found in the oak woodland, chaparral, and coastal pine forest habitats of its native island.

Fruit Tier: B

August 3rd, Day 807: Whiteleaf Manzanita

Fruit Info: Whiteleaf Manzanita, Common Manzanita and Arctostaphylos manzanita are all names you might for our newest fruit of the day. One interesting thing about this fruit is that it is originally a white color when grown but becomes a red-orange color as the summer goes along. This fruit can be eaten, and has been my bears, humans and chipmunks alike. Just don’t eat too many seeds or it may cause some stomach issues. Also, I hear this fruit can make a mean cider.

Fruit Tier: B
