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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

Does it mountain climb?
Yes, but only as a somewhat infrequent hobby.

October 30th, Day 894: Ficus sarmentosa

Fruit Info: Ficus sarmentosa (Nepali language:Ban Timila) is a fig tree with edible fruit. F. sarmentosa is native to China, Eastern Asia, Indian Subcontinent and Indo-China region. Some of its habitats include forests, scrub, and mountains.” - The entirety of the Wikipedia article about this fig and the plant that grows it.

Fruit Tier: C

November 1st, Day 896: Large-Leaved Rock Fig

Fruit Info: Ficus abutilifolia, or as it is more importantly known, the Large-Leaved Rock Fig, is one of those fruits with such an oddly specific name you know that there is a very good reason why they chose it. It primarily grows out of cliffs and rock outcroppings.

Fruit Tier: B

November 3rd, Day 898: Banyan

Fruit Info: our fruit of the day today is the Banyan, also known as the Banyan Fig, Indian Banyan and, Ficus benghalensis. This fig provides food to birds like the Indian Myna. If you can’t guess already, this fruit is native to the Indian subcontinent.

Fruit Tier: B

November 5th, Day 900: FruitalDeath

Fruit Info: For our 900th fruit of the day we have the FruitalDeath, another type of fruit in the family staffolofruita. This one is believed to have enough trace amounts of toxins in it as to render it fatal for any human that consumes it.

Fruit Tier: S

March 1st, Day 652: Cocona

Fruit Info: Solanum sessiliflorum, is yet another tomato cousin that we get to deal with. So many tomato cousins... This berry is native to South America where it is occasionallt cultivated for human consumption, but not usually. It can take anywhere from 9 months up to 24 months for the plant to grow ripe fruit after its previous batch.

Fruit Tier: A

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How was the 1000th post on this thread a Cocona???? Which is a B-tier fruit. Compared to the average tomato, which takes somewhere in three months to harvest, this is not A-tier.

EDIT: When can we expect to see the official tier list chart?
EDIT: When can we expect to see the official tier list chart?
Not sure, that sounds like a lot of work but I may put it together eventually.

November 7th, Day 902: Strangler Fig

Fruit Info: While you can’t tell through all the green on this particular picture, today’s fruit Ficus craterostoma is a yellow-ish red color when fully ripe. It is also a native of the tropical regions of Africa which is kind of neat.

Fruit Tier: C

November 8th, Day 903: Ficus elastica

Fruit Info: On the agenda for fruit today it appears that we have the lovely rubber fig. While this fruit is native to areas around Nepal, India, China and Malaysia, it has been introduced elsewhere. It has been introduced to many tropical regions around the rest of the world.

Fruit Tier: S

If I may ask, how do you find this many fruits? Do you talk to fruit experts, and other keepers of the fruit? Learning from the knowledge of others?
If I may ask, how do you find this many fruits? Do you talk to fruit experts, and other keepers of the fruit? Learning from the knowledge of others?
Ancient tomes burried deep within Aladra’s library. That and the depths of Wikipedia, but they’re pretty much the same thing when you think about it.

November 9th, Day 904: Sandpaper Fig

Fruit Info: Today we have yet another fig. This particular one, Ficus exasperata, is a native to tropical Africa and Southern Asia.

Fruit Tier: S

Ancient tomes burried deep within Aladra’s library. That and the depths of Wikipedia, but they’re pretty much the same thing when you think about it.

November 9th, Day 904: Sandpaper Fig

Fruit Info: Today we have yet another fig. This particular one, Ficus exasperata, is a native to tropical Africa and Southern Asia.

Fruit Tier: S

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When are y'all gonna run out of fruits?
When are y'all gonna run out of fruits?
Hard to say. A plant growing a fruit is basically a characteristic of being an angiosperm (flowering plant), so theoretically it would be after we’ve exhausted all angiosperms on the planet. Realistically though, it’s more closely tied to how many angiosperms can you find online with a picture of their fruit.

November 10th, Day 905: Hairy Rock Fig

Fruit Info: Ficus glumosa is our fruit of the day today, and it is another fruit native to the tropical regions of Africa. According to Wikipedia this fruit is much favored by antelope, monkeys, birds, bats, and baboons.

Fruit Tier: B

November 11th, Day 906: Red-Leaved Fig

Fruit Info: For our latest fruit of the day we have the red-leaves fig, Ficus ingens. It is native to tropical regions of Africa and southern Arabia. While you can’t see it here, the fruits eventually ripen and become a brown-ish purple sort of color.

Fruit Tier: A
