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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

September 30th, Day 864: Rosa canina

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the fruit of the dog rose plant. This fruit can be used to make things like syrup, marmalade or tea. It’s growth throughout the world has been encouraged due to its large production of vitamin C.

Fruit Tier: C

October 1st, Day 865: Ghost Berry

Fruit Info: Symphoricarpos albus is our fruit of the day today, because what better way to bring in the spooky season than with a type of ghost berry! It’s also called a snow berry but shhhh… This ghost berry is also poisonous which is super convenient for making more ghosts.

Fruit Tier: A

October 2nd, Day 866: Chenault Coralberry

Fruit Info: Symphoricarpos × chenaultii, the Chenault coralberry, is a nothospecies (hybrid) group of shrubs in the honeysuckle family. It was grown in France in 1912 as a hybrid S. microphyllus × S. orbiculatus.”
- The entire Wikipedia article on the fruit and plant

Fruit Tier: S

October 3rd, Day 867: Creeping Snowberry

Fruit Info: Symphoricarpos mollis is the fruit of the day for today, but you may somehow know it by its other “common name” the Southern California Snowberry. This fruit is found in the western part of North America. These fruits are not toxic but they do have a soapy taste to them that is generally considered very unpleasant.

Fruit Tier: C

October 4th, Day 868: Coralberry

Fruit Info: Native to the eastern and central United States, along with central Canada and northeastern Mexico, we have today’s fruit. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus is the scientific name of this fruitand the honeysuckle relative that grows it.

Fruit Tier: C

October 5th, Day 869: Micle Berry

Fruit Info: Today on the fruit of the day thread we have the micle berry. And it’s, uh, uhhhh, hmmm… it’s just kind of a green oval looking thing. Apparently this oval is native to the Sinnoh region and it has a sweet taste and dry texture when eating it.

Fruit Tier: E

What happens when we run out of fruit
A random half of the universe will be turned into fruit instantly.

October 7th, Day 871: Stenocereus queretaroensis

Fruit Info: For our fruit of choice today we have a lovely relative of the dragon fruit. While the only picture I have of today’s fruit is of a peeled specimen , I believe that conveys the idea really well given that the cactus is mainly cultivated for its fruit.

Fruit Tier: D

October 8th, Day 872: Jasminocereus thouarsii

Fruit Info: The fruit of the candelabra cactus is today’s fruit. It is a type of berry that can vary in color depending not only on ripeness but which variety of this species you happen to be talking about. It can be used to make a fruit juice that has been described as “refreshing”apparently. And finally, the fruits look like they were just glued onto a cactus, not actually growing on it in this picture.

Fruit Tier: C

October 9th, Day 873: Lavender Fruit

Fruit Info: So apparently the common lavender plant grows a fruit, which makes sense logically. But for some reason my brain still doesn’t like this fact. So here you go, have the weird nut-like fruit of Lavandula angustifolia.

Fruit Tier: A

October 11th, Day 875: Indian Bat Fig

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit gets its rather interesting name because of its symbiotic relationship with the Indian fruit bat. The Indian fruit bat uses this fruit as one of its primary sources of food but I’m the process helps spread the seeds of the plant much further, I’ll leave it up to your imagination how this is accomplished.

Fruit Tier: C

October 12th, Day 876: Mistletoe Fig

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the mistletoe fig, also known by its more scientific name Ficus deltoidea. This fruit has been used in various medicinal applications along with much of the rest of the plant. Many of these applications from are done by traditional people of Malaysia and Borneo.

Fruit Tier: B

Of all the fruits you've listed so far

How many have you ate?
A disappointingly small number. I do hope to one day go through and eat a lot of the more interesting and safe ones.

October 13th, Day 877: Ficus nervosa

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit doesn’t really have much information on it out there. The most I’ve found in my 52 seconds of searching is that it is native to Sri Lanka, China, and India.

Fruit Tier: S

October 14th, Day 878: Shuca Berry

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the Shuca Berry, which was first discovered in the Sinnoh region. This berry has a sweet yet spicy flavor to it, so watch out when adding it to your poffins. It also is able to reduce the damage of a super effective ground type attack used on the berry’s holder.

Fruit Tier: D
