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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head


Well-Known Member
January 9th, Day 1523: Cupaniopsis foveolata

Fruit Info: Our next fruit of the day in this long running series is the white tamarind, sometimes known as the toothed tuckeroo, and the narrow-leaved tuckeroo. It can be found in eastern Queensland and New South Wales. This fruit is a yellow orange color when ripe and has 3 segments.

Fruit Tier: C



Well-Known Member
January 10th, Day 1524: Cupaniopsis shirleyana

Fruit Info: Here we have our newest fruit of the day which is shockingly, yet another relative of the last couple fruits we’ve had. This one is known as the wedge-leaved tuckeroo. This fruit is an orange when ripe and contains a single seed. It is a native of the Queensland area in Australia.

Fruit Tier: A
