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Serious case of harassment

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Hello Loka community, I would share events that have happened to a pretty close of friend of mine, Alzxdnr.

Before anything,
My reason for making this post is the absolute lack of action by any kind of staff member. I have messaged several staff members, and Alex has also messaged some, hoping for something to be done, to no avail. We were told that Guardians cannot do anything, and that we had to contact Elders, who would just ghost us. We wanted to keep this as low profile as possible, as some of the invovled harassers are Loka staff, but due to the lack of responses, we have to bring this up publically.

Since August 2023, he has been the victim of countless baseless, false accusations. There is no proof of these accusations being true, and yet the group of players who perpetrate these actions keep spreading misinformation in hopes of tarnishing Alex's rep. He has demanded for the harassment to stop multiple times, goes out of his way to avoid interacting with these players, and yet, despite him being banned in this community, which is arguably where the harassment occurred the most, they still do whatever they can to spread the false rumor that Alex is a pedophile.

For context, Alex is 16.

Back in August of 2023, there was known conflict between Alex and the harassers. They would often beef on cove and engage in typical Loka banter. Somewhere along the way, they started saying things like "22tb down" to Alex when he would die, to attempt riling him up somehow. He had no idea, at the time, what the "22tb" referred to, and then made the (fatal?) mistake of answering back "22tb of conclusionz's sister". This, quite literally, opened up the flood gates. The harassers took this as the green light to attempt smearing his name as much as they could, using what Alex had said as "proof" of him being a pedo.
While I do agree that saying this did not help Alex one bit, there are quite a few details to highlight, at the time, Alex had no idea of Conclusionz's supposed sisters' age, and it even turns out Conclusionz doesn't even have a sister in the first place.

From there, they didn't hold back, and harassed Alex as much as they could, regardless of the server they met him on.

As stated before, he has demanded these jokes stop countless times, to no avail. I have been witness to all of this since August, and I have to admit I took part in these actions at the beginning, due to some conflict I had with Alex, although quickly stopping due to realizing the scale of the entire thing.

These guys have been making alts, renaming them to amongst others, "AlzxdnrBummedMe", messaging him on several servers which have no relation to Loka things like "how are the 22 victims", messaging him, joining voice calls where is and bringing up the "22 kids in his basement" and so on, as shown in the screenshots below. This type of harassment constitutes cyberbullying in its purest form, according to the UNICEF definition:

« Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and mobile phones. It is repeated behaviour, aimed at scaring, angering or shaming those who are targeted. Examples include:

  • spreading lies about or posting embarrassing photos or videos of someone on social media
  • sending hurtful, abusive or threatening messages, images or videos via messaging platforms
  • impersonating someone and sending mean messages to others on their behalf or through fake accounts »

Now, the question I would like to ask, is why nobody is doing anything despite us reporting it multiple times? We've seen recently, through the Sand Force leadership bans, that Loka staff takes into account actions on other servers/platforms into their decisions on punishments. We have extensive proof of this harassment spanning far and wide, as it happens on discord, on Loka, on other minecraft servers, in voice calls, etc... It has been happening for over 6 months. Why the silence from the Loka staff? These people continued the jokes (and still do) far after Alex was banned from the server.

The only answer we recieved was from Obuth, who told Alex he should lay low and leave the community for a bit. Why should he leave for actions perpetrated by others? Why should he get punished for getting harassed by a group of immature, insensitive idiots?

It just doesn't make sense.

I would like to remind you all that this has been going on for over EIGHT months. Over half of the abuse has happened on Loka, as it started in August of 2023, and Alex was banned in December of that year. Ironically, the harassment got more frequent and worse after he was banned, further demonstrating that it would have gotten far, far worse had we not brought it into the limelight. This forums post was our last resort.

I hope this post will shed light on what I believe is quite a glaring issue, as these players are allowed to perpetrate these actions right under the staff's noses.

If, by some miracle, this causes a reaction within the staff team, please message me on @12don on discord for further info.


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Active Member
Also the part where you say I don’t have a sister is untrue, I do, she is 12 years old. I told you all this so you would stop.
I didn’t ss since he already about to get banned and didn’t care, he also admits doing something similar in his post
Crazy how he had no idea you had a sister in the first place! Equally crazy how he hasn’t uttered a word about this « sister » since, all the while you guys have been acting horror for the past 6 months 😭


New Member
Hello if anyone wishes to resolve toxic actions like this please contact with the toxic police. This action writtenhere today is very toxic and lokamc staff should do something about it to prevent it happening again.

Yours sincerely


Active Member
Crazy how he had no idea you had a sister in the first place! Equally crazy how he hasn’t uttered a word about this « sister » since, all the while you guys have been acting horror for the past 6 months 😭
Crazy how you are enabling this? He said a 12 year old girl “fit” in addition you also have blatant lies in your post that you don’t correct despite me clarifying, also he said the “22tb of your sister” comment after I said she was 12. This also is not out of character for Alex, as he was banned for racism and hate speech permanently on loka.
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