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Suggestion Wasted Potential on Golden Apples

Normally I'd agree with balancing effects out with debuffs but Imna have to agree with Sparky in that it would be "UNFUN". A lot of Loka's current conquest combat seems to be people running from each other or chasing someone so making it easier to kite would just add to that stalemate.
Well a balancing effect could be hunger that would force them to eat sooner or say someone ate it ran and mined down. A glowing effect like a spectral arrow could tell you where that person is. The effects (both postive and negative) shouldn't last long at all and there should 100% be a cooldown as chugging a stack is ridiculous and I can see people doing it already.
Well a balancing effect could be hunger that would force them to eat sooner or say someone ate it ran and mined down. A glowing effect like a spectral arrow could tell you where that person is. The effects (both postive and negative) shouldn't last long at all and there should 100% be a cooldown as chugging a stack is ridiculous and I can see people doing it already.
I suppose but if your goal is to get away from someone then you probably won't use something that gives you spectral. The proposed Speed III aspect of it is way stronger than some hunger unless it was a whole lotta hunger but at that point, it's probably better to just use Speed II or bow boost yourself.
I suppose but if your goal is to get away from someone then you probably won't use something that gives you spectral. The proposed Speed III aspect of it is way stronger than some hunger unless it was a whole lotta hunger but at that point, it's probably better to just use Speed II or bow boost yourself.
What happens if you don't have Speed II and can't bow boost yourself?
What happens if you don't have Speed II and can't bow boost yourself?
If you're out of Speed II and are unable to bow boost then doesn't that mean your chase should end anyway? As I said earlier, a lot of Loka combat is chasing people around and I really don't see any benefit in amplifying that existing stalemate. Additionally, the Speed III you'd get as a buff wouldn't last too long (to prevent it from being OP) so at most it would extend the amount of time the chase lasts until eventually the Speed III runs out, you have no Speed II or bow boost capability to run any further, and your hunger is definitely low as that was the suggested debuff. In either case, you're dead.
I suppose but if your goal is to get away from someone then you probably won't use something that gives you spectral. The proposed Speed III aspect of it is way stronger than some hunger unless it was a whole lotta hunger but at that point, it's probably better to just use Speed II or bow boost yourself.
Would the proposed Speed III or the prevention of golem aggro only be in conquest?
What if it was like random effects so could give a postive or negative and like a last minute use or something (kind of like the chest of fate, but it wouldn't give or take 10 hearts lol). For example Fire resistance, Jump boost, or like Nausea, wither, weakness, etc. Just random things that could be good or bad. (Gapple Roulette)
What if it was like random effects so could give a postive or negative and like a last minute use or something (kind of like the chest of fate, but it wouldn't give or take 10 hearts lol). For example Fire resistance, Jump boost, or like Nausea, wither, weakness, etc. Just random things that could be good or bad. (Gapple Roulette)
I think blood does that already
Would the proposed Speed III or the prevention of golem aggro only be in conquest?
If the buff was implemented then Speed III would work whenever a crapple was eaten so no it's not specific to conquest. On the other hand, golems are pretty much only a conquest thing barring radars.
What if it was like random effects so could give a postive or negative and like a last minute use or something (kind of like the chest of fate, but it wouldn't give or take 10 hearts lol). For example Fire resistance, Jump boost, or like Nausea, wither, weakness, etc. Just random things that could be good or bad. (Gapple Roulette)
I think blood does that already
yeah that's what blood does
What if it worked the same way as blood in bottles, except it’s a guaranteed buff?
I suppose that is an RNG version of looking at it but the application of it would become limited only due to the fact that it is random. If a player is aware of the buff it can give, then they'll use it to gain whatever it advantage is, adding another level of skill to conquest or providing some utility for players as they normally play.
Maybe also an enchanted golden apple crafted with some super expensive recipe that could give the full strength 2, speed 2 and depending on how expensive maybe some form of resistance or something.
It'd be so expensive that it'd be a trump card that could last only 5-10 seconds but possibly change the outcome of a battle?
Maybe also an enchanted golden apple crafted with some super expensive recipe that could give the full strength 2, speed 2 and depending on how expensive maybe some form of resistance or something.
It'd be so expensive that it'd be a trump card that could last only 5-10 seconds but possibly change the outcome of a battle?
Sounds a little too OP. This would go back to the issue of older towns that have accrued more wealth being able to stomp any newcomers. While I like the idea of a single person being able to change the outcome of the battle based off the usage of their abilities, increasing the gap in strength between towns of different playtime ultimately sounds unhealthy for the server and its conquest.