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Suggestion Wasted Potential on Golden Apples


We know that normal golden apples are disabled on Loka due to the increased gap in strength they can place between older towns and new players especially since it's hard to obtain apples in the first place, however it seems as though there's no point in putting to disuse an item which could be given other functions. Instead of providing absorption and regeneration, perhaps give them some other effects? The effects wouldn't have to be tied to conquest however the extra variation they could potentially provide would add to the level of layers behind conquest combat, if not outside of it.

Some ideas I came up with include:
- Prevent golem aggro for 5 seconds (no doubt would require a cooldown)
- Provide 10s of Speed 2 and Strength 2 (might be a little OP)
- Cleanse buffs and debuffs just like milk does
- Grant Haste II for 30s
- Give the
Luck buff for fishing
- Give the
Dolphins Grace buff or Conduit Power for an amount of time
- Possibly even make them an item that has no real use such as increasing faith for religions and stuff

*NOTE: These ideas are separate from each other. I'm not saying eating 1 crapple provides all of the listed effects cause that would obviously be extremely OP.

Ultimately I think it would be pretty cool to bring some functionality to banned items so that they can serve some purpose on Loka.
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I like the idea of the strength 2 and speed 2, it does sound op. Maybe make it speed 3 or 4 for a few seconds and remove the strength. I like the idea of bringing back the golden apple for a different usage
A cooldown effect could be implemented to make it balanced as well, however I'm still a little hesitant about a buff like that because it would be an advantage to players that can get crapples and apples aren't always easy to get especially with things like biome control.
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I like the speed II and strength 2 idea, but I feel that's a bit op so maybe speed III and to balance like hunger II for a couple seconds? Idk good idea I would like to see Crapples back
treating them like milk sounds cool but maybe make it so they only wipe debuffs and give it a heavy cooldown
Originally I was thinking the same thing but then I realized it's already a huge buff that crapples are stackable so idk if it should be made any more OP by only removing debuffs.
I like like the Speed 2 and Strength 2 idea maybe just make it last like 3 seconds so if in conquest you could run away with low hearts. For the religious gaining faith thing would it have a cool down like praying does? Or would it be a whole new category like eat this religious food and you will be blessed by the gods? i.e. Chicken God - Faith xxxx - Hunger 8/10, and you would have to fill up the gods hunger to 10/10 to get a prize.
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I like the idea of the strength 2 and speed 2, it does sound op. Maybe make it speed 3 or 4 for a few seconds and remove the strength. I like the idea of bringing back the golden apple for a different usage
Bro you stupid or you dumb, speed 3/4 is an awful idea. What’s the point of kiting if someone just chugs a gap and speeds away or if the person who is chasing you just pops one.
Bro you stupid or you dumb, speed 3/4 is an awful idea. What’s the point of kiting if someone just chugs a gap and speeds away or if the person who is chasing you just pops one.
It would most likely last like 5 seconds and hopefully a cooldown so you can't chug a stack, it should also have a negative effect to balance it out.
It would most likely last like 5 seconds and hopefully a cooldown so you can't chug a stack, it should also have a negative effect to balance it out.
I'm pretty sure no negative effect counteracts the fact that you can run away from any fight and not die. (Which is exactly what would happen). Just UNFUN and time consuming, part of the reason they were disabled.
It would most likely last like 5 seconds and hopefully a cooldown so you can't chug a stack, it should also have a negative effect to balance it out.
Normally I'd agree with balancing effects out with debuffs but Imna have to agree with Sparky in that it would be "UNFUN". A lot of Loka's current conquest combat seems to be people running from each other or chasing someone so making it easier to kite would just add to that stalemate.
I like like the Speed 2 and Strength 2 idea maybe just make it last like 3 seconds so if in conquest you could run away with low hearts. For the religious gaining faith thing would it have a cool down like praying does? Or would it be a whole new category like eat this religious food and you will be blessed by the gods? i.e. Chicken God - Faith xxxx - Hunger 8/10, and you would have to fill up the gods hunger to 10/10 to get a prize.
Well Speed 2 and Strength 2 are generally what people use in conquest anyway so it wouldn't exactly allow people to run away. If anything, it's faster to just pop a speed 2 potion than eat a crapple. As for the religion idea, I'm not entirely sure. My main goal was to stir up some ideas to generate discussion about it because I'm not exactly sure about how religion works and I wouldn't be surprised if it was changed sometime anyway.