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What spawn needs


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Wanted to know what people wanted at spawn, i am already aware of a few things which i have listed bellow:

- some way of advertising towns
- A library/museum
- A battle arena
About the arena. It is useful to have an arena which is accesible. I do believe there was a nether arena built for this purpose on the Old nether. Although having it at spawn seems a bit overwhelming. And having the town arenas are nice. Maybe another nether arena could work. I am unsure on this debate.

Also tri wizard / world Olympics sounds awesome
Magpieman said:
How do you propose players get to the town hosting it?

Does there need to be an outlined method of transit? Run, walk, rail, portal, or for higher admins, teleport.
Magpieman said:
Then it is not practical, i see no reason we cant give people the option of a spawn arena.
Many people. such as myself judge a server poorly when its spawn is a very built up area, they see it as lacking potential as it is already built
The spawn will not be built up with pointless buildings just have useful practical structures that look nice to show that the server isn't a barren wasteland, and a good looking spawn is a great way to attract more players.
Its not too big a hassle to run somewhere. If you wanna take part, you gotta do what you gotta do. I know im gonna get hated on because i can teleport, but I was fine with walking distances before i got Guardian, my town portal was down half the time so had to walk to Cath every time i died
FWIW, I would prefer Spawn to be largely decorative, sort of a relic of past cultures. I'm with most of the folks in believing spawn should not have an arena built into it. Maybe we can have a neutral arena near spawn, but not part of spawn itself. I agree with others that having that in towns allows for more variety, including variations on what an arena can be (Dirt over lava, jumping puzzle arena, etc). I don't see any benefit in having one at spawn, except as neutral ground. For only that reason an arena built by everyone but not in a specific town can serve that purpose.
Oh, as for the rest, bank, library of basic lore and rules, and transportation hub are the things I definitely want to see. Source of food for newbs is good to.
About an arena, I also don't think it should be at spawn. It should be accessable to everyone though, so a neutral place near spawn would be good. It shouldn't be a player run town though, because there's always someone people don't want in their town. So maybe a worldguarded area just outside spawn? The thing I want most at spawn though is an advertising area, for towns and maybe a notice board thing for server events or news. A place for people to advertise things they want to buy or sell, or advertise jobs might be good too.
i like a tournement idea. not harry potter related though. bleh. um but yea like a new thing maybe every month or couple months or so. whatever. i love the library idea. but maybe the arean itself could be some really cool arenea somewhere cool where we have epic town battles! :D
Everyone refers to a near spawn arena which is cool but i am not sure what peoples definition of near is. Are we talking 100 blocks from the centre of spawn, 200, 1000?
What if we put it under spawn and it wasn't open 24/7? Rent it out maybe?

It would allow for some cool features and would be a neutral area, but wouldn't discourage towns from making their own arenas because you have to pay for this one.
Magpieman said:
Everyone refers to a near spawn arena which is cool but i am not sure what peoples definition of near is. Are we talking 100 blocks from the centre of spawn, 200, 1000?

Not directly visible from spawn. Otherwise it could be quite close.
Zor95 said:
What if we put it under spawn and it wasn't open 24/7? Rent it out maybe?

It would allow for some cool features and would be a neutral area, but wouldn't discourage towns from making their own arenas because you have to pay for this one.

Yes, this is good too. I just don't aesthetically like the idea of it being a prominent part of the visible spawn, which in the history of Loka and The Artifact has been more about being an arrival point and the first 'wow' location for lore.
asymptonic said:
Zor95 said:
What if we put it under spawn and it wasn't open 24/7? Rent it out maybe?

It would allow for some cool features and would be a neutral area, but wouldn't discourage towns from making their own arenas because you have to pay for this one.

Yes, this is good too. I just don't aesthetically like the idea of it being a prominent part of the visible spawn, which in the history of Loka and The Artifact has been more about being an arrival point and the first 'wow' location for lore.

That is why it is underground. You'd just have to avoid the world rail if that project is to be continued.
Er, don't decrease the size of the spawn area so much that people can blast it with cannons if they make the cannon high enough.