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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
Yeah, golems should never have been an always 5 all the time always kind of thing. Too punishing. However, this may make the fight a little easier; but things can always be tuned in other ways.


Staff member
  • You can now delete Territory Buildings by using /g territory delete and standing near the building you wish to delete.
  • If the building is online you will recuperate half of the cost of the Territory Building. If it is not yet online, you can regain the entire cost of the building.
  • For the time being, deleting Territory Generators will refund you the full cost until, *cough*, you fix your sky Generators. (So get to deleting and replacing them before a future update bricks those generators.)
  • Deleted/Destroyed Towers and Inhibitors will now eat a little less of the ground and destroy themselves with slightly less landscape damage than before.


Pretty sure that was a feature, not a bug, but thanks.


Staff member
  • Golems no longer spawn silverfish on you if you're swimming just under the surface of water
  • Major changes to the Core Fight. I won't ruin what the new behaviors of the Core are, but there are several, and they'll make the Core fight a little harder and a lot more fun and interesting.
  • Notable changes however are that the fight should no longer punish you for having more players attacking the core. The fight no longer spawns abilities based on just random-chance-on-hit anymore, but now involves some cooldowns. This should prevent more players from always meaning core attacks more often.
  • The Core can now be hit with arrows, if you so desire.
  • Protectors now have visible name indicating their town allegiance.
  • Many custom sounds from the PvP server have been brought over for various notifications and whatnot for Territories. Make sure to have server resource packs enabled for Loka!
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Staff member
  • Soul Sand should appear a little less often in the Core Fight, especially when the Core gets below 25%
  • New Command, /g territory status: prints out a status update of territory states including you/your Alliance Inhibitor online times, any conflicted generators (can mouse over their names for coordinates), etc.
  • The same messages printed by /g territory status are those you see upon logging in, so the same rules apply (seeing coordinates for TG's by mousing over their name, etc).
  • Beacons, when pressed, now show which alliance town's inhibitor you can warp to, as opposed to just "Alliance Inhibitor in ____ territory"
More fixes:
  • Chunks near Inhibitors and TG's do not unload when an active siege is underway. This should help alleviate issues with Golems not always being present.
  • Because of this: Items dropped in these 'saved chunks' will not despawn until either they're picked up or the battle is over.
  • Protectors will now refrain from lighting you up with Silverfish whilst inside a Territory Generator
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Well-Known Member
  • Because of this: Items dropped in these 'saved chunks' will not despawn until either they're picked up or the battle is over.
Will items instantly despawn once the fight ends or will it be set to the 5 minute timer?


Staff member
I don't know. I'll have to test this theory. Probably won't be instant. I don't think items try to despawn as fast as they can if they're preventing from doing so; it may be every so often, so you may have a minute or two to try to grab your things.


Staff member
  • Possible minor bugfixes here and there
  • Beacons will now give you a more accurate time remaining when they are available.
  • Beacons' lights also now reflect their available status, rather than just always being on.
  • Beacons make very cool sounds (Loka Resource pack)


Staff member
  • Maximum online time for an Inhibitor has been reduced from 2 hours to 1.5 hours.
  • An Inhibitor can now only exist in siege mode for 2 hours, down from 3 hours.
  • Players on the PvP server now count for online members when Inhibitor checks are being made to determine onlining times.
  • If in an Alliance, your town's territory strength now contributes to the Alliance as a whole and not your town. If you leave an Alliance, your Strength does not go with you; it remains with the Alliance. Likewise, if you join an Alliance, your strength does not retroactively get added to the Alliance. Those towns wishing to go it alone should remain out of an Alliance for the full month.


Staff member
  • /g private has been removed. Due to changes in town publicity, etc, the remaining functionality of feathering to determine which town is protecting the area is based entirely off of whether that town has active Territory Generators or not.
  • New joins to the server are now set to a help channel, usable by the admin team. This means Trainees can talk to each other and admins, but cannot use or hear public chat. Save your "Welcome to Loka!" messages until they complete the course.
  • Added /g alliance transfer so that you may transfer leadership of your Alliance if you so desire. This does not require the would-be leader town owner to be online.
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