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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

February 10th, Day 1553: Magonia pubescens

Fruit Info: Here for our next fruit of the day we have this lovely fruit in its monotypic genus. It is a native of South America and that’s all I really have to say about this fruit.

Fruit Tier: C

February 11th, Day 1554: Acer acuminatum

Fruit Info: Here we have our next fruit of the day and it is the fruit of a species of maple tree that is native to the Himalayas and the neighboring mountains of Tibet. These mountains it is native to also extend to northern India, Kashmir, Nepal, and Pakistan.

Fruit Tier: B

February 12th, Day 1555: Acer buergerianum

Fruit Info: Here for our next fruit of the day we have the fruit of the trident maple. It is a native of eastern China, Japan and Taiwan. Otherwise there isn’t a whole lot else to say about it.

Fruit Tier: B
February 13th, Day 1556: Acer campestre

Fruit Info: For our next fruit of the day we have the field maple fruit. The fruit is a native of continental Europe, along with Britain and some regions of southwestern Asia. This fruit is a kind of Samara.

Fruit Tier: D

February 14th, Day 1557: Acer circinatum

Fruit Info: Another species of maple tree fruit is our newest fruit of the day. This particular species is primarily found in the northwestern regions of North America, where it grows low elevation temperate coastal regions. The fruit usually grows in pairs and has two winged each roughly 180 degrees from each other.

Fruit Tier: D

February 15th, Day 1558: Acer coriaceifolium

Fruit Info: Here for this next fruit of the day we have a species of maple that has only ever been found in China. These fruit grow two wing like structures on them that are roughly symmetrical. That’s about all there is to say about it.

Fruit Tier: D

February 16th, Day 1559: Acer diabolicum

Fruit Info: Our next fruit of the day is one that you can find natively in central and southern Japan. The tree it comes from is known colloquially as the horned maple or the devil maple. This fruit also has simple dry wing structures making it a samara

Fruit Tier: B

barFebruary 17th, Day 1560: Acer griseum

Fruit Info: For our next fruit of the day on this never ending journey of new fruits we have the paperbark maple’s fruit, otherwise known as the blood bark maples fruit. It is found in a variety of provinces around and China and is just generally speaking not all that interesting as a fruit.

Fruit Tier: B