Three bugs as of now that i've experienced at least 3 times.
When repeatedly /queue ing after a battle, you have a chance of entering invisible to the arena
When you /queue, then /join but the opponent doesn't /join, you enter the arena. After ten seconds, the gates open and you are free to move out until someone else /join's. When said person joins, the gates close but you can still be outside and be right out of his/her gate.
When the thirty seconds remain message comes on, it takes way more than 30 seconds to actually finish the battle and a tie to be called
When repeatedly /queue ing after a battle, you have a chance of entering invisible to the arena
When you /queue, then /join but the opponent doesn't /join, you enter the arena. After ten seconds, the gates open and you are free to move out until someone else /join's. When said person joins, the gates close but you can still be outside and be right out of his/her gate.
When the thirty seconds remain message comes on, it takes way more than 30 seconds to actually finish the battle and a tie to be called