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Town Perks Brainstorming


Zor95 said:
They're only slightly OP. A necessary evil.
I think they're unbalancing. The security that a town has by distancing itself from spawn should be naturally counteracted by the inconvenience of having to walk to it.


Well-Known Member
Psychedelic98 said:
Zor95 said:
They're only slightly OP. A necessary evil.
I think they're unbalancing. The security that a town has by distancing itself from spawn should be naturally counteracted by the inconvenience of having to walk to it.
Tis a principle we were built upon, and if we got rid of them things like roads and rails would start popping up again, which is never a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
mopb3 said:
Psychedelic98 said:
Zor95 said:
They're only slightly OP. A necessary evil.
I think they're unbalancing. The security that a town has by distancing itself from spawn should be naturally counteracted by the inconvenience of having to walk to it.
Tis a principle we were built upon, and if we got rid of them things like roads and rails would start popping up again, which is never a bad thing.

Except that they're constantly griefed. I'm on the fence with them but they're here so I'll take full advantage of town portals.

Also, not everyone goes out for security. Land generation is naturally better, it is less crowded, there are emerald mines, desert pyramids, jungle temples, and witch huts to find as well. In 1.5 those towns farther out will have quick access to quartz ore.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
The size of the map is huge we cannot expect players to walk 20k+ blocks back whenever they die or need to get to spawn. Soon we are also adding the ability for nomads to quick travel to their base from spawn. This thread is discussing town perks so don't get side tracked. I don't want to hear any more about town portals in this thread.


Magpieman said:
The size of the map is huge we cannot expect players to walk 20k+ blocks back whenever they die or need to get to spawn. Soon we are also adding the ability for nomads to quick travel to their base from spawn. This thread is discussing town perks so don't get side tracked. I don't want to hear any more about town portals in this thread.

But town portals is a town perk.


Well-Known Member
Right, well there are the arguments for transportation perks.

What else can we think of?


Magpieman said:
Its a town perk that already exists and will always exist.

Yes, but your point was invalid. :ugeek:

As for other perks, how about trading?

Like automatic trading where materials are sent over some sort of easy system?


Magpieman said:
I said enough line. Town portals are staying, thats the end of it.

And I never objected to that.

And another idea for a perk, expanding on travel, how about protected travel lines? Like protected road or rail lines.


If we do add town perks, I'd recommend having them not go near defense/PvP, like how for factions you get -10% damage when you fight in other faction lands. Town portals already make it a pain to siege and raid, and in all honesty, I can't think of anything that a town could acquire through Influence Points that would be silly-OP or would cause limits to the town, and giving "rare" blocks as a sign of status only would be sort of a waste of the system.

(Side note: How did we go from "get rid of gens" to "give thieves more power" to "let's make towns even better"?)


I didn't mean for the travel to be easy. I meant like maybe 100-500 influence, per person. (the 100 being 100 times the value for a common task). It would be OP, but expensive. Also, it would have to take the same exact structure on both ends. Therefore, you can't just set up some random ship, have someone else build a different one, use some command, maybe /travel <town 1> <town 2> on a sign or something, and have the owner agree to the ship too. I meant for it to be difficult and expensive to get from town to town via ship, but would also shorten travel times. I'm currently working on a Zepplin design, maybe we could make that the universal Zepplin (mop)


I think that we should do things such as this:

1. Town shops at spawn/outside spawn. You would have to use your influence or whatnot to buy one. Folks love running shops, or so I have seen from the newer bunches we get on the server, so I think opening shops would be a neat idea. A Server Bazaar of sorts. Protected like the flag rooms so no PvP or whatnot interferes with it.

I agree with no messing with anything that can be toyed with PvP. It causes an imbalance and thats no bueno. Im up in the air about transportation. I'm torn between thinking an allied transportation system would be interesting and allow allies to easily visit towns.

2. Some form of "Mailing" Items. It would be restricted to home town members only.

3. I think the rare block or items idea is neat, but maybe you can have separate tiers of stuff? You could even give out say an egg from a mob or spawner or something as an end tier goal. Maybe, for instance, Like a town pick a tier they want to do, so everyone on the server isn't working towards the same goals? ( Provided we get a large enough agreed upon perks to make tiers)

4. I also think the emerald exchange would be a good near end perk for a town.

5. Idk how the villager things work, but maybe a perk could be you can use more of their trades before they get all stingy and say, "No more for you, papi."

6. A town "Bank". Maybe you could make a special enderchest with its contents accessible to the entire town. (Just a thought)

7. NO EFFING ZEPPLINS. They look horrible and I hate the ideas of airships. Everyone and their mother has built one. Ships, I am okay with, but no effing airships.

8. I'm skipping 8. 8 is a filthy, dirty, sheep licker.

9. I found your shiny Joce.

10. I just had to reach ten. :p


7. NO EFFING ZEPPLINS. They look horrible and I hate the ideas of airships. Everyone and their mother has built one. Ships, I am okay with, but no effing airships.
So don't make one yourself.