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Town Perks Brainstorming


Staff member
I've been mulling the idea of bringing in a town perks system as a means to both bring town memberships together, give them something to work towards, as well as give members a sense of loyalty and a reason to stay with a town, rather than jump ship whenever some town does something neat.

The idea would be that either over time or through acts of some sort, a town could earn perks that would benefit them in some way. The citizens of that town would need to stay with that town in order to access those perks. Somebody who joined the town newly would have to earn reputation with that town in some way in order to access those perks as well.

Some ideas just to get the ball rolling include: increased beacon range, faster movement speed within town limits (could fit with beacons), the ability to, perhaps, send items in mail somehow, some representation of something at spawn, etc. This also doesn't necessarily have to only apply to towns, it could apply to nomads in some way if the perk was cool enough and not too OP.

So, ideas on perks? Let's hear it!
Heres a thought, we add influence points. Each town can build up influence points for doing various things like members signing on each day as a home town member etc. These points could then be spent on upgrades to the town. Maybe the ability to build another bubble gen, or maybe some kind of automated stall/shop, an emerald converter in the town etc.
Yeah we started doing this with the old bank a long time ago but i think cath was the only town to get one.
The only reason we're wary of allowing towns to have things like that is that it removes a reason to come to spawn and thereby reduces the 'random socialization' we like spawn to have. If towns were totally self sufficient in their own borders (not that they aren't already, in a way), nobody would see anybody else other than for raiding etc.
Maybe find a way to include those fancy new titles on the next update? Also, I would think it's appropiate to base the "challenges" for the influence on the type of town it is. Maybe trade a bunch of points for a rare block or something that could be displayed in the town as an achievement trophy.
andrekeroxd said:
Maybe find a way to include those fancy new titles on the next update? Also, I would think it's appropiate to base the "challenges" for the influence on the type of town it is. Maybe trade a bunch of points for a rare block or something that could be displayed in the town as an achievement trophy.

I like this idea; blocks usually unattainable in survival can be earned through building up points, and towns can display those blocks as a means of advertising.

We could also apply this to the gen system; instead of just needing more funds to increase your gen radius, you need a more active and productive town.
Magpieman said:
Heres a thought, we add influence points. Each town can build up influence points for doing various things like members signing on each day as a home town member etc. These points could then be spent on upgrades to the town. Maybe the ability to build another bubble gen, or maybe some kind of automated stall/shop, an emerald converter in the town etc.
Oh I wonder where on earth you got that idea from Mag XD

And with the bank stuff, yeah only Cathedral ever got one. I built one in other towns but Asy refused to activate them so he must have been against the idea somehow.
Magpieman said:
Heres a thought, we add influence points.

thelineguy said:
Oh god, it's league all over again

Though it's not a bad thing at all. I think citizens being able to earn (generate?) influence points for their town and allowing it to be spent in like maybe a shop at spawn for rare items and/or perks is a great idea.

(And yeah, we're not vanilla.)
Psychedelic98 said:
If a block is added as a perk that all towns can get it isn't rare.

The block would still be rare and it would be a sign of the town's status. It wouldn't be one of the first perks a guild could unlock. The key is in tuning what towns get and when/how.
As a new idea, how about perks to encourage a town to do activities together.

eg. a passive (or purchasable, or maybe can purchase upgrades/variants of it) perk: 'Inspiration' -

All town members within 50 blocks of their town leader gain +0.5 damage upon attacks.

or something like a purchasable (or free, or upgradable etc.) ability: 'Commanding Cry'

Town leader can activate, gives large movement speed buff (Speed 2?) to all town members within 20 blocks.

They're only ideas, but they could work.
thelineguy said:
All town members within 50 blocks of their town leader gain +0.5 damage upon attacks.

I wouldn't want to give towns anything that gives them a further advantage in a raid. They already can instantly teleport back via town portal, have the "home town" advantage, and can build anywhere whereas the raider cannot.
Zor95 said:
thelineguy said:
All town members within 50 blocks of their town leader gain +0.5 damage upon attacks.

I wouldn't want to give towns anything that gives them a further advantage in a raid. They already can instantly teleport back via town portal, have the "home town" advantage, and can build anywhere whereas the raider cannot.

Ah, but the defending town would be able to equally activate things. Maybe things such as:
'Home Turf' -
+2.0 armour and Speed I when engaged in combat on the protected region of your hometown

So that they would have a larger advantage when protecting, to make raids harder but more varied.

And again we're wandering into the depths of the MMORPG style
No, I'm saying don't give the defending town extra advantages. We don't want to interfere with PvP too much with these.
JocelynReed said:
Maybe like a green glowstone. :). That would be a Cool stone to add.

We can't add anything new to the game, just manipulate what we've already been provided :P
JocelynReed said:
Maybe like a green glowstone. :). That would be a Cool stone to add.


Although for me, I think it'd be neat if we had light sources that could emit different colors, like a red light, or a green light, or blue, and so on.

Adding new blocks requires a client side change, which means that anyone who wanted to join the server would have to install a 'green glowstone' mod before they could connect.