Loka Forums

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  1. C

    Loka Origins: Commander_12's Backstory

    Commander_12 (otherwise known as Andy) was born in the small, bustling city of Grimdale to normal and unassuming parents. Life in Grimdale wasn't easy though for Commander's family, as they were in extreme poverty and lived in one of the roughest and crime-ridden neighborhoods of all the city...
  2. turtlemaster01

    The Northern Invasion of the Wolf Fortress

    *The name and Date on the page are too smudged to read* Cold and battered, the people of Kalros marched north to face the greatest threat on their continent since Hilo's last grand attack. The Leader of Ascalon, Lord Skuhoo, had launched an invasion on the North in order to...
  3. Trevster2000

    Forged In Darkness I Shall Rise

    You may have heard of stories telling of great adventure, sieging castles, and claiming victory over many foes, but you only think of the people in those stories as heroes and don’t think about what made the person into the hero they are. My story begins in a cave deep beneath the eventual...
  4. longfellow4

    The Heartbeat of Makkon

    Certainty. That is what I loathe. Let the vines of Mak teach me! The jungle was a harsh place for most, and Garama only added to it's spite - screeching its heat and disease on all unwary who dared step from the ports. However to a select few hardy individuals, this place has become a...
  5. Ajaxan

    The North Has Fallen

    My arrival in the Kalros was in a time of peace. Lead by the mighty Vanaheimr alliance, peace ruled the land. Powerful cities lead by charismatic leaders lead the North down a prosperous road. In this hostile land we bonded together as one not because we wanted to but because we needed to. This...
  6. MrAlchemy

    The Mighty Northern Continent, Kalros, Vanaheimr

    The Mighty Northern Continent KALROS Vanaheimr Deep and hidden under the unforgiving glacial anatomy of Kalros' frozen surface arose a billowing untamed flame. It's whipping blaze consumed and spread within it's stone host, an expansive and untouched cavern by the Shivering Sea. Time...