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Implemented Shields


Well-Known Member
At their current state shields are completely broken and take away all elements of skill. Due to the fact that you can spam shield and not take any damage or kb I as well as many others believe that this is not an element of pot PVP. It is a completely different kind of PVP. What Loka is turning into is at its core just jumping and holding a shield. After hours of discussing I genuinely believe the best way to keep shields balanced is to only allow them in conquest when a player is charged. To use a shield, a player would have to get a charge, therefore, taking out the unnecessary nonsense in-between. A nerf is desperately needed. An axe is not a good enough counter when you are fighting any shield players that can predict your axe when you use it.


From what I’ve experienced, every person with half a brain understands that when you start spam clicking with an axe in order to disable their shield, they will let go of right click and start critting you out. As soon as you turn back around from potting, they already have their shield back up and if you do somehow take down their shield through all of that they can just back up for 3 seconds and then it is right back up again. It takes all skill out of PvP and make the server totally unfun to play. Gapples were removed because they were broken and made it almost impossible to die, shields are the same way except they literally make it so that you cant die. It takes all of the fun out of the game when all it takes to be good is holding down right click and space bar.


Active Member
Make shield cool down a lot longer, so that using an axe is actually rewarding and not just 3 seconds of them not being able to use their shield :D or just get rid of them completely :))))
Yeah, shields are a good meta for charges but it has integrated itself into the pvp scene so much that now it can be seen at ganks and leave a heavy impact in terms of kills in conquest. Shields should be a thing but it's annoying that even a not so good player can wield a shield and decimate a player that has alot of experience, I know this because it took me first try with a shield to kill someone that 10-0'd me in duels (Dylhn). So in conclusion, I don't think shields should be removed but there must be a restriction on it to make it more balanced for players that don't want to carry one.


New Member
Shields take all the skill away from fighting in my opinion. A brand new player that knows how to use a shield can take on 2 pot pvpers that have been playing the server for years. I think that it's extremely unfun when you are fighting someone that just holds right click and spacebar, and than you take out your axe to start spam clicking their shield and they start critting you out. I see shields just like gapples, they are extremely overpowered and take no skill to use.


Well-Known Member
The shield issue has gone unnoticed because of how much attention has been given to crystals recently. I think its gone too far when pvpers have been making the switch to shield simply because it is the meta. People like Mario, FzU, xCheaterFx, and even ME have started to switch to shields in conquest because it is the only viable option of pvp. I hate using the shield and its not fun but its the only to be able to fight another person with a shield because a somewhat new player with a shield has the ability to deal a lot of damage since they can simply be invincible to hits. Also because shield disable is super short and usually when your shield gets disabled you can just pearl away.


Active Member
and to crypt, the only fair arguement is “use a shield back.” is that REALLY the meta for pvp you want with Loka? Loka has been INFAMOUSLY known as a server with a high skill disparity from every other server. with this meta it encourages a less skill based server which will ultimately end this servers population as it rewards bad players for a “quick fix” to be a god.


Well-Known Member
(Typed by ferremc)
Complaining about shields being broken because you cant disable them cus they will stop using them shows how little you know about shields. The skill isnt getting "reduced" or anything, is "molding" into the actual minecraft pvp meta. The reason why everyone using a shield stops using it when you are spamming the axe is because they have the skill to prevent getting disabled AND the skill to disable effectively and quickly. The counter to axes would perfectly be practicing disabling them and learn about them, not completely remove an item you guys were completely fine with until players who knew how to use it properly came. And yes, even if someone with a shield disable runs away it gives you an advantage. Also, must mention. Do you know how much durability a shield loses per sharp5 strenght2 33% damage buff crit? You can perfectly break the enemy shield just by critting him and rotating around him. And the shield loses EVEN more absurd damage from an AXE CRIT. Shield doesnt needs a nerf, playerbase needs to learn the item they have been using since it came


Well-Known Member
shields as a whole are unhealthy for the meta on Loka as is bc there’s little counterplay even if u get perfect shield disables, running for 3 seconds makes ur shield come back online so there should be serious repercussions for getting ur shield disabled regardless, to me it’s obvious shields need a nerf
they’re as over centralizing in the meta as vanilla crystals once were or as gaps once were. -Hypertotodile

I think Hyper stated this perfectly. Shields obviously need a nerf. Whether that be elongating their disable time or what Ssteak suggested something needs to be done.


Active Member
(Typed by ferremc)
Complaining about shields being broken because you cant disable them cus they will stop using them shows how little you know about shields. The skill isnt getting "reduced" or anything, is "molding" into the actual minecraft pvp meta. The reason why everyone using a shield stops using it when you are spamming the axe is because they have the skill to prevent getting disabled AND the skill to disable effectively and quickly. The counter to axes would perfectly be practicing disabling them and learn about them, not completely remove an item you guys were completely fine with until players who knew how to use it properly came. And yes, even if someone with a shield disable runs away it gives you an advantage. Also, must mention. Do you know how much durability a shield loses per sharp5 strenght2 33% damage buff crit? You can perfectly break the enemy shield just by critting him and rotating around him. And the shield loses EVEN more absurd damage from an AXE CRIT. Shield doesnt needs a nerf, playerbase needs to learn the item they have been using since it came
referring to the “actual minecraft meta”, if this server was based on actual meta, netherite and crystal would exist and not be nerfed. shields reduce skill just like the riot shield in COD. :)


Well-Known Member
referring to the “actual minecraft meta”, if this server was based on actual meta, netherite and crystal would exist and not be nerfed. shields reduce skill just like the riot shield in COD. :)
Then why are other shield players still able to go even in melees when they dont have shield why don't bad shield players destroy everyone? it still takes skill to use not as much as shieldless but it still takes skill cant act like its just a "right click for success button also a 10-15 second cooldown of shield would be nice


(Typed by ferremc)
Complaining about shields being broken because you cant disable them cus they will stop using them shows how little you know about shields. The skill isnt getting "reduced" or anything, is "molding" into the actual minecraft pvp meta. The reason why everyone using a shield stops using it when you are spamming the axe is because they have the skill to prevent getting disabled AND the skill to disable effectively and quickly. The counter to axes would perfectly be practicing disabling them and learn about them, not completely remove an item you guys were completely fine with until players who knew how to use it properly came. And yes, even if someone with a shield disable runs away it gives you an advantage. Also, must mention. Do you know how much durability a shield loses per sharp5 strenght2 33% damage buff crit? You can perfectly break the enemy shield just by critting him and rotating around him. And the shield loses EVEN more absurd damage from an AXE CRIT. Shield doesnt needs a nerf, playerbase needs to learn the item they have been using since it came
not clicking right click = skill????