I understand what you are trying to say BUT we are talking about lokaMC I personally consider this server to be a different gamemode damage/playstyle wise and as long as shields are in the game anyone can be good. Yes specific UHC servers take still and shield pvp in general but that is normal damage when you mix in 33% extra damage it is almost impossible to stop a shield pvper on the fly without getting setup with everything to defend yourself from it.(Typed by ferremc)
Complaining about shields being broken because you cant disable them cus they will stop using them shows how little you know about shields. The skill isnt getting "reduced" or anything, is "molding" into the actual minecraft pvp meta. The reason why everyone using a shield stops using it when you are spamming the axe is because they have the skill to prevent getting disabled AND the skill to disable effectively and quickly. The counter to axes would perfectly be practicing disabling them and learn about them, not completely remove an item you guys were completely fine with until players who knew how to use it properly came. And yes, even if someone with a shield disable runs away it gives you an advantage. Also, must mention. Do you know how much durability a shield loses per sharp5 strenght2 33% damage buff crit? You can perfectly break the enemy shield just by critting him and rotating around him. And the shield loses EVEN more absurd damage from an AXE CRIT. Shield doesnt needs a nerf, playerbase needs to learn the item they have been using since it came